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Group A Intro Session 2 Report

General Summary

Dalmir and Marya arrived back in the material plane in the center of a camp of bandits, all of which appeared to bear some sort of bronze marking on their person though shrouded by their clothing. They initially seemed suspicious of the icon of Ioun - a god distinctly opposed to their level of secrecy as well as associated with the Empire - on Dalmir's shield. Some quick thinking from Marya - and a discussion and revelation in Thieves' Cant - led to the bandits standing down as they decided these two weren't worth tangling with the Myriad. A short conversation with the bandits very suspicious of the pair the entire time followed, the group inquiring if Marya was there for protection money before letting both go. Marya offered the group a gold; they seemed hesitant to accept Myriad money but she gave it to them anyways. As soon as the two left, the bandits packed up camp and seemingly departed for a less conspicuous location.   The pair proceeded onwards toward the road, emerging somewhere very close to where they'd left. A set of animate creatures crafted from twigs, a sight unlike any the two had seen before, attacked them - certainly nothing naturally occurring. Dalmir summoned his (still glowing) Mage Hand to reveal them just in time to prevent the pair from being surprised. The creatures proved fortunately little threat, scoring a couple of lucky hits but for the most part not dealing much damage.   Magnolia emerged from Marya's backpack at this point - and at about this point, the group discovered that they could no longer communicate, as Magnolia only spoke the tongue of the fey. Marya and Magnolia discovered that they could engage in slow and imprecise communication with Druidic arrangements of naturally occurring things as Magnolia possessed a basic understanding of that symbology.   After quickly healing up - though still with bloodstains on their clothing - the pair continued on, taking a break on the south side of the road to camp as it approached midnight. During Dalmir's watch, a pair of hungry wolves began to approach, smelling the remnants of the unfamiliar blood. The pair opted to engage the wolves in a fight, mortally wounding one and leaving the other to limp away, though Marya did injure one wolf further as it fled. The sight of blood and gore caused Magnolia to panic and become ill as well as to demand Marya heal the dead wolf as she'd healed herself. Magnolia didn't seem to understand the concept of violence or hunting other creatures for food. Marya managed to calm her with some words her mother had used in the past, promising Magnolia's favorite food and that things would be alright.   Over the night, Dalmir received a vision, an elderly woman speaking to him to tell him that he'd certainly run into further danger if he proceeded with his journey and reminding him that if he continued to follow her and seek out knowledge, she would protect him from creatures even beyond his imagination.   The next morning, the two opted to see about making something for Magnolia, who had expressed that her favorite food was something roughly translated as Moondrop Tea, brewed from the still-green leaves of tea plants watered with moonlight and with a bit of honey added. A quest through the forest for honey followed; Marya quickly found the hive and a bit of creative problem solving with Dalmir's Mage Hand ensured a safe harvest of a small bit of honeycomb. The pair added some water and squeezed juice of Marya's goodberries to a cup along with the crushed honeycomb, heating it magically until it steamed. All three shared the cup of juice, ending up nicely full and happy with the new drink.   Over the course of the next nine days, the trio continued their travels, running into occasional conflicts common to people traveling in such a small group but nothing too difficult for them to handle. Marya, possibly as a result of the pact with the fey-being, discovered an ability to shapeshift into varying beasts, silver lines and markings differentiating her from the norm. The pair arrived in Deastok afterward, heading to the local tavern for the first warm bed in a while.

Rewards Granted

Level 2 for both players!

Character(s) interacted with

Met an odd group of bandits north of the road between Deastok and Zadash, all of which seemed to bear some sort of bronze marking.   Discovered some odd stick-creatures near the location at which the two entered the Feywild   Deepened the relationship between the pair and Magnolia.

Lia's Thursday Game
Player Journals
From rogues, twigs and wolves by Marya
Traveling with Marya by Dalmir
Report Date
26 Sep 2020

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