Marya Silverstring | World Anvil

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Marya Silverstring

Just your average halfling travelling through the world, until I make up my mind and add more stuff in here.

Campaign & Party

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Other characters
Thu 8th Jun 2023 09:11

Aaand out of the city~

by Marya Silverstring

So we had our short time of resting in that city
At some point people are standing up
And of course they're trying to start something
We win - well Seb wins
Then a dude in uniform shows up
Seemingly we're needed for an audience
Well, we go there
Tatiana Vorvex or something like that
And she tries to get the old device from us
Of course she does
Yada yada neutral city
Camping would need a 10 mile radius
So we get our soldiers and get marching
Aaaaaaaaand rest~

Marya's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. And so a wild ride began
    17 Sep 2020 11:49:27
  2. From rogues, twigs and wolves
    24 Sep 2020 09:36:55
  3. Traveling time with Dalmir
    30 Sep 2020 11:47:25
  4. It started in a tavern and ended in circus madness
    02 Oct 2020 03:10:21
  5. An interesting proposal and the hunt for a "dragon"
    08 Oct 2020 09:19:04
  6. Catfights, dead ends and new leads
    15 Oct 2020 10:09:03
  7. Hungry wolves and nightly talks
    22 Oct 2020 09:38:44
  8. It all could've been resolved with a simple negotiation
    29 Oct 2020 08:15:36
  9. Saving a dragon and loads of secrets~
    12 Nov 2020 10:09:40
  10. Even more secrets and saving a life thought lost
    03 Dec 2020 10:21:11
  11. Finally free
    17 Dec 2020 09:17:13
  12. A new fey adventurer, giant bugs and ash zombies
    14 Jan 2021 10:51:06
  13. Some little tunnel crawling time
    18 Feb 2021 07:21:26
  14. And some more tunnel crawling with big crawlies
    29 Apr 2021 08:24:41
  15. Big guys with a big sword
    27 May 2021 06:49:19
  16. A big fight, getting out of the mines and a goodbye
    03 Jun 2021 08:51:21
  17. Sticks and stones may break your bones
    17 Jun 2021 08:08:40
  18. Tales of thirsty trees and predatory priests
    01 Jul 2021 07:55:33
  19. A quick getaway from a Vecna priests lair
    08 Jul 2021 07:52:07
  20. Zadash, city of light, city of magic
    22 Jul 2021 09:13:52
  21. Invisible stalkers, planning and magical stuff!
    05 Aug 2021 08:08:26
  22. Creepy kids and political intrigue
    12 Aug 2021 08:56:12
  23. Zadash, city of coincidences
    26 Aug 2021 09:07:44
  24. Now shit is personal - for Melech
    02 Sep 2021 09:47:19
  25. Way too much crap going on and more coincidences
    09 Sep 2021 09:18:53
  26. Two more people and a funeral
    16 Sep 2021 09:06:22
  27. Loads of planning and talking stuff
    23 Sep 2021 08:18:15
  28. Meeting Zintris' mom and an almost makeover
    30 Sep 2021 08:42:53
  29. We get ourselves a spy
    14 Oct 2021 09:17:38
  30. Relocating families and a pet assassin
    28 Oct 2021 09:49:17
  31. A relaxed evening in the city that loathes halflings
    04 Nov 2021 10:11:43
  32. Meeting a queen in her pjs
    11 Nov 2021 11:01:20
  33. Luxon stuff and a decent bit of shopping
    19 Nov 2021 12:13:35
  34. Lots and lots of talking
    02 Dec 2021 10:34:05
  35. Preparations and talks~
    16th Sydenstar?
  36. Clapping zombies
    16th Sydenstar?
  37. More zombie clapping
    27 Jan 2022 09:34:20
  38. Zombies, insects and pie
    24 Mar 2022 08:33:58
  39. More insects, saving lives and worm
    31 Mar 2022 09:38:17
  40. Just talking to military people
    07 Apr 2022 07:14:56
  41. Uhm yeah
    14 Apr 2022 07:55:42
  42. On the road again~
    28 Apr 2022 10:20:46
  43. Preparation time
    02 Jun 2022 09:48:31
  44. Before we go into the belly of beast~
    09 Jun 2022 09:02:02
  45. Into the belly of the city
    16 Jun 2022 09:33:20
  46. Loads of bugs and a couple of kids
    30 Jun 2022 09:26:19
  47. Some more city crawling
    07 Jul 2022 08:57:58
  48. Setup for a chase
    18 Aug 2022 09:20:18
  49. Escaping forward
    01 Sep 2022 09:01:14
  50. Exterminating otherworldlies
    08 Sep 2022 10:49:58
  51. Finally a second to relax
    15 Sep 2022 08:56:36
  52. Just some decompressing time
    22 Sep 2022 08:21:01
  53. We're back!
    09 Mar 2023 10:24:52
  54. Back again again
    23 Mar 2023 08:05:26
  55. Buggy buggers again
    06 Apr 2023 09:41:38
  56. Another dragon deal?
    13 Apr 2023 08:59:27
  57. The mercenary pirate place
    27 Apr 2023 07:34:55
  58. Aaand out of the city~
    08 Jun 2023 09:11:45

The major events and journals in Marya's history, from the beginning to today.

Just some decompressing time

So next morning stuff And then debriefing time Ugh The topic of taking back the stick comes up And yeah we talk about the whole schtick we saw down there While we're there anyway I get an amber amulet for my sister and her little one And we have s...

08:21 pm - 22.09.2022

Finally a second to relax

So we escort the survivors out Get out of the previously fenced off area okay The local authorities block off the area around the rift We offer some info on where the breach the creatures came through was And removed pretty much all of them around f...

08:56 pm - 15.09.2022

Exterminating otherworldlies

So yeah fight time Oh also there's small worm things And loads of small crawlies We go decently after the cracky portal thing Okay the portal is no portal It's more like a tether or something And of course there's floaty creatures The not-porta...

10:49 pm - 08.09.2022

Escaping forward

So we have the other guard group covering our escape While we continue on our bear cart way We're fighting in a space where some of the creatures lie in ambush They hurt us badly And the guards catch up to us We help decimate the next group And th...

09:01 pm - 01.09.2022

Setup for a chase

So we go killing the two buzzy boys Seb was bait Get them killed quickly I then start pulling a cart in bear form and pull the group along On the way we hear a melody Pick up a new person...

09:20 pm - 18.08.2022

Some more city crawling

So some more strategy talk Yeah attacking the hatchery seems... dangerous Talking some more strategy Then we have a call from some people speaking.... undercommon? Well Komaria handles it We then finally agree to take the kids and get the survivors...

08:57 pm - 07.07.2022

Loads of bugs and a couple of kids

So yeah, loads of uglies I try turning into a brown bear Ugh that form is cumbersome Outside we see a girl at another house We kill the remaining bugs and give chase Oh yeah and there's a decently big swarm after us That's also getting fireballed ...

09:26 pm - 30.06.2022

Into the belly of the city

So the whole stuff starts But before that we get a decent night's sleep Next morning one of the soldiers comes to pick us up One of the soldiers at the gap we'll be going through is the soldier whose house we visited the day before Small group of in...

09:33 pm - 16.06.2022

Before we go into the belly of beast~

Yup still in the city There's also mini sending stones but short range We organize slings for throwing alchemist fire And Silver makes some of their poison More prep and talks about tactics and stuff...

09:02 pm - 09.06.2022

Preparation time

So travel finishes without major incident Aaand we arrive in the city Well kinda, it's underground And there's some way to actually get there But first we get paid for our guardwork And when we're there things actually look pretty decent The group...

09:48 pm - 02.06.2022

On the road again~

Ok so family is planned to arrive in around 3 weeks? Oh yeah but first, decompressing So yeah quick switch to the next day on our way to the lucid bastion And of course we're expected Also seems like bargaining for pay is an option Have some talks ...

10:20 pm - 28.04.2022

Uhm yeah

Oh yeah they wanted to consider us for that job Everyone does a little bit of stuff on their own time Seb and Vera go shopping Meanwhile Zintris hides in her room and I try to decompress a bit After all you don't have your life flashing before your ey...

07:55 pm - 14.04.2022

Just talking to military people

Oh yeah wall construction aftermath stuff Oh and we saved the captain Oh and there was big worm And then we should go reporting to the commander Yada yada corespawn intelligent and dangerous She wants to send us to some next city over It's a coupl...

07:14 pm - 07.04.2022

More insects, saving lives and worm

So yeah bugs And Seb does wild magic stuff again And holy heck that big bug thing goes after me and it's hitting like a truck Aaaaand Silver kills it Also directly after that with some healing we once again are running into the next big battle Afte...

09:38 pm - 31.03.2022

Zombies, insects and pie

Still doing defending stuff So yeah it was a lot of zombie bashing Oh and then there were the ghostly guys Aaand we stomp the shadows and spectres really badly After there's a well smelling ogre with a pie? รด.o Also in the distance there's some we...

08:33 pm - 24.03.2022

More zombie clapping

So yeah we killed... unlifed (?) zombies Of course after some time there's more of them - really prime real estate around here And ooooof course I'm the only one getting hit And also ooooof course it's just never enough time to even get a little rest ...

09:34 pm - 27.01.2022

Clapping zombies

So out we go~~ Also I cast darkvision on myself Okay there's even ogres here oo' They have weird wallbuilding magic And we meet a couple of the people there Then there's the first baddies for our shift Moorbounder fighting shifting time~...

08:43 pm - 20.01.2022

Preparations and talks~

So on our way to Quanah we are! We find her quite quickly So let's see how much info on our job we're able to get We're doing the job mostly on our own Usually it's larger groups involved, but they're trusting us with it It's an all-day sort of job...

09:50 pm - 09.12.2021

Lots and lots of talking

So family almost completely saved, yay! Or at least in the future they will be or something like that... ugh complicated stuff. After getting back I spent some time with Silver who is pretty awkward on the party Since talking isn't great for her, I'm le...

10:34 pm - 02.12.2021

Luxon stuff and a decent bit of shopping

Sooo, shopping trip time with the guard captain For the ghost lands we might need specialized equipment Certain types of magic might be ineffective, stuff that is cold/freezing and sapping life, okay general temperature stuff is awful And it seems like...

12:13 am - 19.11.2021

Meeting a queen in her pyjama

Oh yeah part of the group just brought us the local princess Aaand it's not an honorary title, more like actual nobility Komaria and Zintris randomly found here in an alley and she said she killed her parents And her name is Velina Kryn and maybe adopt...

10:59 pm - 11.11.2021

A relaxed evening in the city that loathes halflings

Sooo Rosohna And it's pretty darn weird here Heck they have glowing lanterns everywhere here, like actual magical lights Loads of dwarves, duergar, tieflings and other folk And pretty much no halflings, welp that's gonna be fun Yeah humans (so Vera/S...

10:11 pm - 04.11.2021

Relocating families and a pet assassin

So we start in the shit, well kind of After some back and forth we decide I'll sneak to Mali and inform her I then turn into cat with pass without trace Get there safely and tell her what we know Pay 350gp for a better ring of mind shielding I guess...

09:49 pm - 28.10.2021

We get ourselves a spy

We do some planning stuff Everyone gets their 2 cloaks, one nice black one and one simple grey one Archie comes up and Melech wants to talk to him Though that's not the greatest idea We don't really do much for the night Except for Seb doing some s...

09:17 pm - 14.10.2021

Meeting Zintris' mom and an almost makeover

So we're all alone in Melech's house There's some thinking around what we should do Someone brings up the option of involving the Cobalt Soul Personally I'm decently against it, as it's never a good idea to bring more people on board than necessary Se...

08:42 pm - 30.09.2021

Loads of planning and talking stuff

So yeah, still got Seb's key and we're in Seb's room at the tavern Yep the circus stuff is still on the table and Zintris or Lenestra or whatever is up for a small circle talk with Seb, Melech and me And now they're talking about consecutions or somethi...

08:17 pm - 23.09.2021

Two more people and a funeral

So after a night of more or less rest for all of us it's finally morning In the morning Melech goes looking after the funeral stuff So Seb checks with Tourmaline Vera goes checking the archives Meanwhile I stay behind Family is pretty depressed An...

09:00 pm - 16.09.2021

Way too much crap going on and more coincidences

We continue to give chase, but damn it's annoyingly hard to track this person Cauterized the wound and all.... Darn But at least it seems like they were coming from inside the city I guess Doesn't really narrow it down With that we slowly head back...

09:18 pm - 09.09.2021

Now shit is personal - for Melech

So when we start going outside the tavern~~ Outside there's a clanking metal thing and a smaller one The bigger one is carrying a person and waves to Vera รด.o Okay so Vera and the woman know each other So yeaaaaah grand, more random people messing ...

09:47 pm - 02.09.2021

Zadash, city of coincidences

So still in the investigation, still in town and still thinking about what to do Seb brings up visiting the Cobalt Soul again While going back to the tavern is also on the table So back to the tavern we go And whyever Balak disguises himself as a half...

09:07 pm - 26.08.2021

Creepy kids and political intrigue

Ok so I temporarily have a new scimitar, neat! The Ring of Spell Storing gets a Banishment & a Shield Spell Also Balak might actually have connections that turn out to be useful for locating the person ordering the hitjob He also wants to contact his p...

08:56 pm - 12.08.2021

Invisible stalkers, planning and magical stuff!

So back to shopkeeping creature grappling with Sebastian Also the thing seems to have 4 legs and not be completely visible Meanwhile the shopkeeper starts looking for something in their drawers, some kind of white wand And this creature kind of tries t...

08:08 pm - 05.08.2021

Zadash, city of light, city of magic

So we're still skirting towards the outskirts of Zadash Though it's already decently late Took a couple of days travel to get there Sooo no direct visiting of Melech's family as long as we have the evil stuff.... Melech wants to bring the stuff to s...

09:13 pm - 22.07.2021

A quick getaway from a Vecna priests lair

Aaand we're slowly creeping along Also we have no idea where Seb is exactly Magnolia also reaaally dislikes this place And this temple thing has a huge obsidian plinth with a cloaked figure on top, well a statue at least O.o Nice there's some cultic...

07:52 pm - 08.07.2021

Tales of thirsty trees and predatory priests

Oh yeah we're still being plagued by the blight thingies Damn those tree things Seems like Balak wants to go down into the dark tree holes Well he's welcome to do so Anyway we should consider either going down or running Melech said something about...

07:55 pm - 01.07.2021

Sticks and stones may break your bones

So the way to Zadash it is There's some tree cover in the south and some scatterings of trees in the north We hear the snapping of twigs from up ahead There's some kind of fight going on A couple of people are surrounded by things rising from the gr...

08:08 pm - 17.06.2021

A big fight, getting out of the mines and a goodbye

And the big guy grapples Seb again Melech goes and turns some undead We're fighting around Then Seb steps into the magic circle thing He then starts getting glowy eyes I bite one of the big guys And that thing bleeds! We have some more fighting t...

08:51 pm - 03.06.2021

Big guys with a big sword

We're slowly going to the way the voices were coming from They seem humanoid They also ask us what we want from them Though Seb quickly told them we're the rescue team And there's at least 1 dwarf, so yeah, definitely people! They aren't thaaat hap...

06:49 pm - 27.05.2021

And some more tunnel crawling with big crawlies

Okay biting a fire elemental ist rather weird O.o And it's improvising weapons..... Also there's something talking into our minds... i guess? And damn biting this thing hurts >.< But it's not a floaty boy So that's weird-ish Kerry kills the fire thi...

08:24 pm - 29.04.2021

Some little tunnel crawling time

Okay so we were in front of the alternative mine entrance with the undead corpses Still being a wolf Okay the new person is called Beatriz Thundermaw There's a short time for some introductions, not me though There's some kindling of torches and then ...

07:20 pm - 18.02.2021

A new fey adventurer, giant bugs and ash zombies

So this time it's about following Dalmir to his secret meetup stuff It's near dusk time when we start on our way We wait about 100ft. away from his meeting place Sebastian, Melech and me, pretty much just killing time When Dalmir comes back, it went...

10:51 pm - 14.01.2021

Finally free

It starts with a rest Nim stays behind Hildove will be our guide for the way to Deastock I'm careful about using the word home with that place so far The dragon shows us the way out of the caves We part from our dragon, clear out the worst of the r...

09:07 pm - 17.12.2020

Even more secrets and saving a lost life

So we're with the dragon still And seemingly the dragon is content with casting this truth spell again We once again should agree that we'll not share those secrets he's about to tell us So yeah~ After all the promisses are made, he then goes into the...

10:05 pm - 03.12.2020

Session 6

10:59 pm - 12.11.2020

Saving a dragon and loads of secrets~

And then the griffon group started moving Nim gets loaded onto a somewhat annoyed griffon They actually go deeper into the "constructed" part of the cavern Some with huge 40-50ft. ceilings O.o They seem to be tracking something Probably our Bumblewyr...

10:09 pm - 12.11.2020

Session 6

06:09 pm - 12.11.2020

Session 4: Hunting Expedition

05:00 pm - 12.11.2020

Session 4: Hunting Expedition

05:00 pm - 12.11.2020

Session 5

05:00 pm - 12.11.2020

Session 5

05:00 pm - 12.11.2020

It all could've been resolved with a simple negotiation

We go to the camp and find the people that were around Though we get spotted And the people aren't that keen on us being here So they go for their weapons They say something along the lines of "if you drop your weapons, no harm will come to you" I'...

08:15 pm - 29.10.2020

Hungry wolves and nightly talks

On our way back to the tavern, we're talking tactics a little Then Nim and Melech are back! So we're going up to their room to talk about stuff For the bringing back a scale idea, we come up with the idea, that dragons actually shed their scales ever...

09:38 pm - 22.10.2020

Session 3

09:58 pm - 15.10.2020

Catfights, dead ends and new leads

The others are looking for the wagons and what they can find over there Meanwhile I chat a little with Carson Oh Carson seems to be working with Silk... interesting And the others are back again Dragon flew towards the mountain range Nim wants to g...

09:57 pm - 15.10.2020

Session 3

05:13 pm - 15.10.2020

Session 2

09:23 pm - 08.10.2020

Session 2

09:23 pm - 08.10.2020

An interesting proposal and the hunt for a "dragon"

And we start in the garden grounds, on our way to the one who runs the city We arrive in front of a pretty nice and big house There's an older man with white hair and a pretty neat mustache and ornamental armor Introduces himself as: Corshad Dummon ...

09:19 pm - 08.10.2020

It started in a tavern and ended in circus madness

Start in the tavern 'Drunken Dragon' Several shady people there Halfling bard there as well, telling tales And a deep gnome offering scribing services 4cp per Ale 8cp per Pie 5sp per Room The deep gnome (Nim), offers us to share his table And we...

10:14 pm - 01.10.2020

Session 1

10:14 pm - 01.10.2020

Session 1

05:06 pm - 01.10.2020

Traveling time with Dalmir

Just as a short disclaimer, the following journal entry, is a collection of some events and infos Dalmir and I exchanged in our travels. Since this was all communicated and agreed upon via a magical thing called strife (don't want to get into copyright is...

11:46 am - 30.09.2020

From rogues, twigs and wolves

And we are still in the camp The people are pretty anxious (4 people, 1 women, 3 men, all human) They want us to drop our weapons And they don't buy our story about being teleported, well~~ Oh and Dalmir is with the crown, the hell?! So I let drop ...

09:36 pm - 24.09.2020

Group A Intro Session 2

08:02 pm - 24.09.2020

Group A Intro Session 2

05:06 pm - 24.09.2020

Group A Intro Session 1

03:35 am - 18.09.2020

Group A Intro Session 1

03:35 am - 18.09.2020

And so a wild ride began

Trip from Zadash to Deastock Near a small forest It was a nice summer day Animals around Nice and warm climate Travelers are also a pretty common sight Crownsguard are coming down the road And since I don't really fancy associating with them that...

11:49 pm - 17.09.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Marya.

Played by

Other Characters by Mitsu