STRIKING OUT: First Official Adventure Report

General Summary

The party meets on the run! Boxed in on all sides, they must face their superior foes.   Fortunately, there is a handy pub that just happens to be where they need it.    

Anya and Sikander's opening narration was: Your breath comes in ragged gasps. You hear their footsteps behind you. You're not sure why they are chasing you, but you know they are powerful, even for you. Even by herself, the sorcerer is potent enough to burn you to ashes, and her two companions look burley enough to kill a Loxodon with their bare hands. You are running south down Stormstar's Ride, approaching the intersection of the Street of Glances. Suddenly, there is a shape running beside you.
    Rayne's was:
Your breath comes in ragged gasps. You hear their footsteps behind you. You're not sure why they are chasing you, but you know they are powerful, even for you. Even by himself, the War Cleric is potent enough to send you to the Underworld, and his three companions swift enough to cut a Dragon to ribbons with their glowing knives. You are running down the Street of Glances, heading West towards the intersection with Stormstar's Ride. Suddenly, there are two shapes running beside you: a Dwarf and an Elf. They appear to be fleeing something as well.
  Fortunately, there is a handy pub that just happens to be where they need it. It is Hobb's Occasional Pub.   ---------------------- Anya picks up the story:   3/20/23 6th Flamerule, 1495 Fleeing through the streets of Waterdeep, Anya, Sikander, and Tal run into Rayne and they continue trying to escape the unknown danger at their heels, finally coming to a tavern with an odd sign stating it is open for those in need of food, drink, or rescue. Quickly entering, the group finds themselves in a very musty, cluttered pub - a troll snoring away at one table, a hooded figure off in the corner reading a scroll, and a heavily tattooed gnome standing behind the bar. Quick introductions are made and Hobb the bartender gets each of them their drink of choice (Anya =Feywild water, Sikander = a tankard of Sabble, Rayne = Gluncower (from the Underdark)), then answers some of their questions while they explore the tavern.   Things they learn: * The tavern is magical and alive. They can't understand it, but Hobb can. Anya comments it has a Fey feeling to it, and Hobb confirms that time passes normally even though the place is magical * Andre the troll has been passed out for a year after drinking Celestial mead * A branch from a tree found in Alastala is growing straight from the wall, with small white flowers and small birds around it * The symbol of Selune is painted behind the bar, which Rayne and Anya both recognize and briefly connect on as they both serve moon goddesses (Anya to Sehanine and Rayne to Selune)   They also meet Piper Boxermix, the canine humanoid. Sikander gets the biggest greeting with a giant lick on his face. The four converse some, with Tal getting in the mix to meet Piper and Rayne, before Hobb asks if they would be interested in giving him a hand with a quest, or a test for adventurers, and retrieve a celestial unicorn from a mysterious Blue Alley. Handing over a metal tablet, Anya reads the ancient elvish aloud, "Only those who resign themselves will enter blue alley by the right way"   Piper joins them, and the six leave the tavern and follower Sikander (happy as a clam to be leading them through Waterdeep) past various noble villas and various groups of other. He eventually draws the attention of a passerby who insists Sikander owes him money, leading to some arguing between the two. After, Sikander continues to lead them not really paying attention to their destination. Rayne suggests a place they passed before, and on arrival find a downtrodden fellow (an older, disheveled Lord Cumbling) that, even though they help, he punches Sikander twice (Anya finally puts herself between the two) and then runs off. As he does, a variety of items are left behind, including a scrap of a map, a locket with the picture of a young Lord and his lady, and an old seagull feather. Rayne takes the feather and starts writing in the air, prompting a book and inkwell to magically appear before them. Recalling the clue Anya read earlier, Rayne suggests they all sign their names (Sikander writing out his full name) then sign them again (re-sign not resign). At that, a long dark alleyway appears, with Sikander charging ahead.   Rayne and Piper slow to inspect the column while Anya turns Sikander back around. Using her draconic training, Anya reads the note "Speak to the dragon's mouth” and identifies the correct face on the column as a mature Gold dragon. After a couple unsuccessful attempts to speak to it, Sikander places a gold coin in its mouth and the door ahead opens. As they continue through and find paintings that magically change to show each of them failing and dying in various ways, Anya's arm darkens warning of undead present.  
  Sikander flips his Tymoran coin, and they head left, spotting a creature at the end of the all that has an undead feel. It spots them and charges their direction, turns and from its rear frightens most of the group with its Brown Eye attack. Taking a shot at the monster, a large blue demon approaches from the other direction, prompting Anya to draw it away from the others through insults and attacking it. While she deals with the Oni, the others take down the Shirime (Tal helps Sikander and Piper is further frightened of the lightning attacks coming from Rayne). Once the Shirime was dealt with, they all head toward Anya, now in direwolf form with the Oni knocked prone, and they finish him off. Gathering themselves, Sikander pulls out his death cards and leaves one on each body, with Anya growling slightly at the action.

The God Eaters Campaign

Sikander Steelestone

Report Date
28 Mar 2023

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