The God Eaters Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Korav, the Worlds of the Whorl
March 5, 2023 | Full


  • Worlds of Korav
    This is a highly simplified map of the famous Natural Philosopher DuraxBobertt Vilem Noonien Korav from Ba'Sal, who deduced much of what we know about the nature of the Worlds of Korav.   More can be told about his genius, but it should be noted that all of his discoveries happened within a year of each other!  
    1. The existence of other worlds connected to Ba'Sal
    2. The shape of the World of Korav, and the creation of the Great Map of Korav.
    3. That your patron and ruler dislikes learning things that go against his own beliefs and is willing to torture you and put you to a painful death for telling him about them.
Supporting Cast
  • Baleet Ur-Id
    A Tabaxi Artificer from a different dimension. He is surly and
  • Deke D'Goalie
    Deke is da friendleh bee-verrr. You know dat. He will how you say have your back, but he don't like le maudit démone qui s'appelle "Crik-Crak".
  • Owner Hobb Gn'nagalin
    A merry Gnome who runs Hobb's Occasional Pub. He has brawny tattooed arms. He seems to have business outside of Reality.
  • Master Quinom
    Quinom was the foremost authority on @[Dreignor](myth:e1f07269-e535-4f71-be6d-17d438b63365) and keeps a massive collection of artifacts. The events of @[Dwarves of Law](article:5175cd71-d06c-4a6d-be84-93156f745a3c) damaged him physically and mentally. He claims that he was wounded by Moradin himself! Patience is needed to draw out his bottomless knowledge of the @[Dreignor](myth:e1f07269-e535-4f71-be6d-17d438b63365).

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 15th October 2023 20:00

Session 24: The Roar of the Greasepaint, the Smell of the Crowd

Assuming you survive the Vampire Trap, your goal is to find the secret door to the catacombs hidden somewhere in the Odeum Theatre.   It is extremely difficult to access. It has, for example, a Vampire Trap. Oh ... you know that.   The optimal time to search it may be during the performance of Miching Mallicho, a play commissioned by Lord Mirt, most powerful nobleman in all Waterdeep. It is a very exclusive affair ... the most elegant event for the most elegant people.   Once in the catacombs, search to find the source of the "thinning of the walls of reality" which the Sands of Oban think may be drawing the God Eaters into our reality.

Sun 8th October 2023 18:00

Session 23: The Troll Speaks

You have returned to Hobb's Occasional Pub, located now in the asteroid port of Mun. The troll who has been sleeping at a table since you first entered the pub is awake. He brings you a chance for adventure ... and a choice.

Sun 1st October 2023 20:00

Session 22: A Pirate's End

Things got a bit tense when you finally confronted Honagolin. His grief over the death of his friend Tochiro has not faded over the many years since he died protecting Harlock. Honagolin blames his son for Tochiro's death.   Honagolin has been isolating himself on his hidden deck, spending the long nights trying to resurrect his friend using Dreighnor technology: a coffin-like machine and a powerful staff supplied by Harlock.   Anya's sacrifice of her True Resurrection spell restored Tochiro to life. Honagolin has no time to show his gratitude. With a sound like wind through glass sands and metal tearing, the Godeaters finally make their appearance.   Your goal: fight these eldritch creatures from before there was Life, before there was Magic, before there was Space or Time or Mind. Defeat them or earn the Pirate's End: an anonymous grave in the eternal emptiness of space.

Sun 24th September 2023 17:30

Session 21: Honagolin's Hidden Deck

Released from the literal, if not actual, poop deck, the party reunites with Sikander and is shown to the Captain's cabin. They are told to find their way to the Hidden Deck, where they will finally meet Hugert Honagolin.

Sun 17th September 2023 17:00

Session 20: The Black Marlin

You are engaged with the Giff, who wish to retake their Spelljammer. Assuming you live, you now have directions to the Black Marlin and your own private transport there. Assuming, as I said, you live.

Sun 27th August 2023 19:00

A One Shot Holiday: The Sparking Spire

The spire has existed for as long as locals can remember. Rising above the sand near the ocean, the spire is topped by a natural cave system. Stories about the place circulate around the docks and taverns of the nearby towns—dark tales of ritual sacrifice and the worship of long dead gods of lightning and storm. Many claim the victims of the old cult still crawl through the tunnels accessible at the peak of the spire. Others say a new scaly threat now lairs there, and the storms of late have been most violent near that place. In this explorative and perilous adventure, the party ascends a great rocky spire to face the place’s past and the [REDACTED!!] that presently resides there.

Sun 13th August 2023 20:00

Session 19: To Boldly Jam

With the Queen Emeraldus needing repairs, you have set foot on the Moon. Not the surface of course, that wild and alien lunar wilderness. The Shrine of Selune, a destination for all who take the Great Pilgrimage to worship her. You ran afoul of the Knights of Selune, the fierce Aasimar Watch. Two of your members ended up in jail, while two prayed at the feet of the mile-high statue of the Many Faced Goddess of the Moon, and were blessed by her.   Now you are investigating your new find: a derelict Spelljammer which Rayne's key opens. But your claim is disputed by a herd of Giff Warriors, who challenged you from the dock!

Sun 6th August 2023 21:00

Session 18: One Small Step

The damage the Queen Emeraldus sustained from the Comets requires that you seek repairs on the Moon. You have the option to pursue your quest alone in the ship's punt. You could also accompany the crew as puts into port at Selune's Pilgrimage, a port on the moon.

Fri 28th July 2023 14:00

Session 17: 宇宙の海 (Uchuu no umi ... the Sea of Stars)

"I will fly free in the endless Sea of Stars under my own flag."

  • Captain Hugert Honagolin, from "Songs of the Sons of the Air" by Grimjack.

  • Sun 23rd July 2023 18:00

    Session 16: Good Dog

    You battle a Dragon that glows with the light of the Moon. Anya has learned that it is defending its "territory". All of you have learned of its terrifying breath weapon. Assuming you and the ship survive, you must make your way West to the "hole in the air" through which you will find Hugert Honagolin ... if you are unlucky. I mean, lucky.

    Sun 16th July 2023 18:00

    Session 15: Pirate Expanse

    After some complications and drama, you have been accepted aboard the pirate ship Queen Emeraldus. Thanks to a diversion staged by Nik Adondidas at our request, the strike-force of Navy Airmen were unsuccessful in storming the ship, which evade the TMSS Defiant. The Emeraldus took damage on their way out of port.   With you new companion Silas Hitherhaven, you have set out to the West, looking for the "hole in the sky" which the mythical ship Black Marlin uses to gain access to the skies of Cloudhook. There you hope to return Harlock to his father Hugert Honagolin and be amply rewarded.

    Sun 2nd July 2023 20:00

    Session 13: The Pirate King's Son (II)

    When the time is right, return to Hobb and decide what to do about Harlock Honagolin.   Of course, there are still matters to attend to in Cloudhook. One of them is saving Sikander from thugs!

    Sun 4th June 2023 21:00

    Session 9: The Ferry and Ruins

    The party grows ever closer to the Ancient Dwarf Ruins. All that remains is to cross the Chaos Swell, and that means enlisting the help of the Ferry Master.

    Fri 2nd June 2023 18:00

    Schedule 13: Back to Hobb (remember 6:00 start time)

    You have made your way back to Cloudhook and have arranged for your new ship, the Sky's Fear, to be taken care of by Adondidas. Funds for this are generously being provided by Blendo, who as the Head Administrator of the GASC (@Greater Antorian Shipping Cartel) in Cloudhook is effectively the ruler of the community. You have rested in your own way. Now you must return to Hobb. He will likely want something done with the pirate's son, Harlock, but who know where he will send you next?

    Sun 28th May 2023 20:00

    Session 8: Flying Along the Cloudwalk

    The party sails their new skyship, the Sky's Fear, towards the Ancient Dwarf dig site in search of the archeologists.

    Sun 21st May 2023 20:00

    Session 7: Bipplebopple Darkmask Shenanigans

    Bibblebopple joins the party briefly and there is much ruckus.

    Sessions Archive

    9th Jul 2023

    Session 14: The Search for the Black Marlin

    You've returned to Hobb's Occasional Pub, refreshed, from your rest destinations with tales to tell. Hobb is occupied with pruning the tree which grows horizontally from the wall. As usual, the troll sleeps at a table, several different bottles now at his feet.   Harlock, son of Hugert Honagolin (greatest pirate of this or any age) sits waves at your expectantly. Beside him, in deep shadow, sits a Gnome. He is immaculately dressed in hushed dark tones.

    Read the Report
    25th Jun 2023

    Session 12: The Pirate King's Son

    You have rescued Harlock Honagolin, son of famed pirate Hugert Honagolin, from the Ancient Dwarf site. Ask Hobb what to do with him.

    Read the Report
    22nd Jun 2023

    Session 11: Seven Hells! It's a Space Lich! (postponed from Sunday)

    You have fulfilled your quest and found the Candlekeep archeological party in the Ancient Dwarf dig site. It's a pyrrhic victory, though, since all but one have been merged with a wall and are extremely dead. The survivor is Harlock Hanogalin, the only son of the legendary pirate-lord Huforth Hanogalin, master of the dread airship The Black Marlin.   Your haste in entering the final room of the dig probably saved Harlock's life. However, it may just as soon end yours because you entered without taking a rest. Exhausted, you now face a horrifying creature from the Ether, the ELDRITCH LICH.

    Read the Report
    11th Jun 2023

    Session 10: The Ancient Dwarf Dig

    You have arrived at the campsite of the archeologists at the Ancient Dwarf dig site. You have abandoned tents and equipment, including some notes, but none of the Candlekeep Expedition members are there. There is only the intense heat, the dust and the howling desert wind. Could it be your search ends here?   Not bloody likely! It's time to follow the Expedition into the dig site. Rescue the archeologists.

    Read the Report
    14th May 2023

    Session 6: The Old Dwarf Way Continues

    The party continues on its quest to find the archeological party.

    Read the Report
    7th May 2023

    Session 5: The Old Dwarf Way

    You are in Cloudhook, the most easterly port of the Twin Crowns' Empire. Your goal is to find out what happened to the archeologists from Candlekeep who disappeared in an rumoured Old Dwarf site months ago. While there, find Thaffir Honaglin (a junior member on his first expedition), the son of renowned pirate-king Huforth Honaglin.   Any Ancient Dwarf treasure you discover would give you riches beyond the dreams of avarice.

    Read the Report
    30th Apr 2023

    Session 4: Cloudhook

    On leaving Hobb's Occasional Pub, you have found yourself in Cloudhook, the skyship city, tens of thousands of leagues from Waterdeep. Your goal is to find Quinom, the Tortle, or someone else who can give you a clue as to the whereabouts of the Candlekeep Expedition that went missing weeks ago ... without having your gullet slashed while you do it!

    Read the Report
    23rd Apr 2023

    Session 3: Forging Ahead

    Still in "Not Blue Alley, " your group faced the terror of the Minotaurs and the Silent Room. You have found a mold for a unicorn by a large forge, but have not found the Adamantine Unicorn for which the tattooed gnome Hobb sent you. There are few rooms left. Where could it the pesky thing be?!

    Read the Report
    27th Mar 2023

    Session 2: Meet and Great Part 2

    The Blue Alley has transformed into the ... "Not Blue Alley". What unknown dangers will you face as you try to find the Adamantine Unicorn for Hobb?

    Read the Report
    5th Mar 2023

    STRIKING OUT: First Official Adventure

    In the city of Waterdeep, a chance encounter sends your party on a perilous adventure to save hope itself.

    Read the Report

    This story is told by

    The Protagonists

    Rayne Gellar

    Silas Hitherhaven

    Chaotic Good Forest Gnome (Charlatan)
    Rogue 10
    Warlock 3
    120 / 120 HP

    Anya Galanodel

    Sikander Steelestone

    Expendable Minion of D'ed Garlu, Offa Amontillado

    None Kenku (Haunted One)
    Warlock 15
    138 / 138 HP

    Stefan Blackstrike

    Chaotic Neutral Dhampir (Sailor)
    Barbarian 12
    173 / 173 HP