Session 30 - Purgatory Protocol

General Summary

2 Erastus (July), 4725    Early morning, Pollard contacted the Ruinlords and informed them that Elric Toplo had not responded to his summons. Pollard explained that Elric was meeting with an archmage, which might be why he was delayed. He reassured the party that the wait should not extend beyond a week. To compensate for the inconvenience, Pollard arranged for the party's stay at the Silver Siren to be fully covered during their wait and gifted Alfie a Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds. Additionally, he provided the party with Elric’s membership card, granting them access to the Grand Athenaeum, one of the most prestigious libraries in Caliphas City.   After receiving Pollard's gifts, the party focused on the research necessary to locate the Cogsworth Labyrinth. They uncovered critical details about Valeria Cogsworth’s past and her family, particularly her connection to a mysterious artifact known as the Whispering Wall. With this knowledge, the party activated the Clockwork Gate, a complex and intricately designed teleportation device created by Valeria herself.   As the party passed through the gate, they experienced a strange and disorienting journey through a shimmering energy bubble. The gate's mechanism activated a Purgatory Protocol, detecting unauthorized use and expelling the party into an unstable nether realm. There, they encountered a Clockwork Bronze Dragon and nine Clockwork Sentinels, guardians programmed to purge intruders.   The battle was intense and hard-fought. The Clockwork Dragon and its sentinel minions proved to be formidable opponents, with the chaotic environment of the nether realm adding to the challenge. Cal ultimately delivered the killing blow to the Clockwork Dragon, causing the construct to explode in a spectacular display of arcane energy. Dunner was gravely injured during the explosion, but his dwarven resilience allowed him to survive the ordeal. With the defeat of the dragon and its minions, the portal platform reactivated, allowing the party to proceed to their destination.   The party emerged from the portal into the town of Stonegate, a remote settlement nestled in the Mindspin Mountains. Their arrival was abrupt and unexpected, as they found themselves stepping out of what appeared to be a bedroom closet in the home of Grimbar Stonefury, a master smith and merchant. His wife, Brunna, was understandably startled by their sudden appearance, and Grimbar, initially mistaking them for intruders, prepared to defend his home.   Once the situation was defused and introductions were made, Grimbar recognized the portal as a malfunctioning device given to him by Valeria Cogsworth. Despite the unusual circumstances of their arrival, Grimbar offered the party hospitality, providing them with water and freshly baked grain loaf. He explained that visitors to Stonegate would need to obtain a Visitor Token and register at the Gatehouse, a process he volunteered to assist them with.   As the party followed Grimbar through Stonegate, they were struck by the town’s unique architecture, its terraces carved into the mountainside and its layered living spaces accommodating different races. Grimbar led them through the Stonegate Market and the Forge Quarter, sharing bits of local history and culture as they made their way to The Clockwork Curio, Valeria Cogsworth’s shop.   Inside The Clockwork Curio, the party was greeted by the sounds of ticking gears and the warm glow of magical orbs. The shop was a small, cluttered space filled with intricate clockwork devices and magical trinkets, each a testament to Valeria’s skill as an artificer. When Grimbar called for Valeria, she emerged from a back room, a diminutive gnome with silvery white hair, a clockwork prosthetic leg, and an air of quiet sorrow.   Valeria was initially surprised and a bit nervous to see the party, especially after learning that they had used the portal she believed to be non-functional. She explained that the Clockwork Labyrinth—a creation she had long since tried to distance herself from—had begun to stir again. She reluctantly admitted to being the architect of the labyrinth, revealing that it was initially commissioned by a bronze dragon named Pyraxus to guard his hoard. However, something had gone wrong, and the labyrinth had turned against its creator, trapping Pyraxus within and becoming a cursed and deadly maze.   As Valeria recounted the labyrinth tale, a disturbing change came over her. She revealed a new mark on her arm, glowing with a sickly light, and warned the party that the labyrinth was waking up—aware of their presence and intent on defending itself. The entire mountain seemed to groan in response, with gears grinding deep below, signalling that something ancient and malevolent had indeed been stirred.

Rewards Granted

  • Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds (10)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Research revealed information about the Codex of Shadows. This powerful and ancient tome is bound in leather, intricately carved, and covered in silver filigree. It is marked by the symbol of Silthian, the god of secrets and hidden knowledge. The Codex is known to be cursed, with each usage carrying a significant risk to the wielder’s sanity.
  • Research revealed information about Kyuss Descimus. Kyuss Descimus was a powerful necromancer from ancient Thassilon. He performed dark rituals and had a cult following him. His followers believed he was on a quest for godhood and that he had some connection to strange, worm-like creatures. He was a worshipper of Yhidothrus, the Ravager Worm.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Valeria Cogsworth - gnome artificer.
  • Grimbar and Brunna Stonefury - dwarven smith and his wife.
  • Kalding Cogsworth - gnome art dealer in Caliphas City, nephew of Valeria.

Age of Worms


Report Date
23 Aug 2024
Primary Location
Caliphas City
Secondary Location

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