
Stonegate is a large, thriving Dwarven town nestled deep within the Mindspin Mountains. Founded over 800 years ago by the Frostborn clan during the Great Migration, Stonegate has grown into a prosperous community known for its exceptional craftsmanship, rich mining operations, and advanced magical innovations. The town is built directly into the mountainside, with its iconic Iron Gates serving as both a symbol of its strength and a formidable defence against external threats. Governed by Thane Barador Frostborn and the Assembly, Stonegate is a place where tradition and innovation coexist, with a strong sense of community and a deep connection to the earth. From its bustling marketplace to its hidden artificer workshops, Stonegate is a place of both wonder and resilience, where the legacy of the Dwarves is etched into the very stone of the mountains.


  • Dwarves: 60% (450 individuals)
  • Humans: 20% (150 individuals)
  • Halflings: 10% (75 individuals)
  • Oreads: 10% (75 individuals)


  • Thane Barador Frostborn: The Thane is the town’s ruler, responsible for upholding law and order, managing the town’s defences, and overseeing significant decisions.
  • The Assembly: Composed of elected representatives from each district, the Assembly advises the Thane and helps manage local matters, trade, and community relations.


  • The Iron Gates: The primary fortified entrance to Stonegate is reinforced with iron and stone. Flanked by watchtowers and guarded by the town’s best soldiers.
  • The Guard’s Watch: Stonegate’s well-trained militia, composed primarily of Dwarves, with representatives from other races. They are responsible for patrolling the town and its surroundings, maintaining order, and defending against external threats.
  • The Sentinels of Stonegate: Two massive statues at the Iron Gates that can be magically activated to defend the town in crisis. These enchanted constructs are a vital part of the town’s defensive strategy.
  • Runic Wards: Magical wards and glyphs inscribed on the town’s walls and critical buildings, designed to repel intruders, detect threats, and protect against magical attacks.
  • Crystal Beacons: A network of enchanted crystal beacons that can be activated to alert the town to incoming threats. The beacons are strategically placed around Stonegate and are linked to the town’s defence system.
  • Stonegate’s Natural Defenses: The town’s location within the Mindspin Mountains provides natural barriers, including steep cliffs, rugged terrain, and narrow passes, making it difficult for large forces to approach undetected.

Industry & Trade

  • Mining and Metalwork: Stonegate is renowned for its rich mineral deposits, including iron, silver, and precious gems. The town’s forges produce high-quality weapons, armor, and artisanal metalwork, traded with nearby towns and cities.
  • Artifice: The town has a small but respected community of artificers who create magical items, often commissioned by adventurers or wealthy patrons.
  • Agriculture: Limited agriculture is possible on the terraces, where humans and halflings grow hardy crops like root vegetables and barley. Livestock such as goats and sheep are also raised in the mountainous terrain.


Stonegate is divided into several distinct districts:
  • The Hearthstone District: The central hub where most of the Dwarven population resides. This area contains the town’s main forge, the Frostborn Hall (the Thane’s residence), and the Assembly Hall.
  • The Forge Quarter: A bustling area filled with blacksmiths, artisans, and miners. This district is known for its high-quality metalwork and is the economic heart of Stonegate.
  • The Terraces: A series of stepped terraces where the non-Dwarven residents, particularly humans and halflings, have their homes. These terraces are built into the mountainside, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
  • The Crystal Caverns: An area known for its natural beauty, where many Oreads reside. The caverns are adorned with glowing crystals and underground streams, creating a tranquil environment that contrasts with the industrious nature of the rest of the town.
  • The Iron Gates: The fortified entrance to the town, guarded by Dwarven sentinels. Beyond the gates lies the main trade road leading to Kraggodan and other nearby settlements.

Culture and Society

  • Dwarven Traditions: Stonegate is steeped in Dwarven culture, which emphasizes craftsmanship, honour, and loyalty. Festivals celebrating mining, smithing, and Dwarven heritage are common.
  • Harmony Among Races: Despite the Dwarven majority, Stonegate is known for its harmonious relations between the different races. The Thane and Assembly ensure that all voices are heard and that there’s a strong sense of community and cooperation.
  • Isolationist Tendencies: While Stonegate trades with nearby settlements, it maintains a degree of isolation due to its location and the protective nature of its inhabitants. Outsiders are welcomed but watched closely.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Artificer’s Guild: A prestigious guild dedicated to creating magical items, clockwork devices, and other advanced crafts. The guild is a hub of innovation and craftsmanship, headquartered in The Forge of Wonders.
  • The Miners’ Guild: A powerful guild representing the miners of Stonegate, responsible for the town’s extensive mining operations. The guild oversees the extraction of valuable minerals and gems from the Mindspin Mountains.
  • The Smiths’ Guild: A guild of blacksmiths, metalworkers, and artisans who produce the high-quality weapons, armour, and tools that Stonegate is known for. The guild maintains strong ties with the Artificer’s Guild and the town’s forges.
  • The Merchants’ Consortium: An influential faction representing the town’s traders and merchants. The consortium manages trade routes, negotiates with external buyers, and ensures the prosperity of Stonegate’s marketplace.
  • The Assembly: The governing body of Stonegate, composed of representatives from the town’s various districts and communities. The Assembly advises the Thane and plays a crucial role in the town’s political and economic decisions.
  • The Guard’s Watch: The official militia and town guard of Stonegate, responsible for maintaining law and order, as well as defending the town against external threats. They are highly respected and well-trained.
  • The Healing Order: A faction of healers, herbalists, and clerics who operate The Healing Hall. The order is dedicated to providing medical and magical care to the people of Stonegate, as well as researching new healing methods.
  • The Crystal Keepers: A faction of oreads and earth-touched individuals who reside in the Crystal Caverns. They are guardians of the natural beauty and resources of the mountains, and they have a deep spiritual connection to the earth.
  • The Black Anvil (Rumored): A secretive and possibly mythical group of artificers rumored to create forbidden or dangerous magical items. The existence of The Black Anvil is a subject of speculation and intrigue among the town’s populace.


Stonegate was founded approximately 800 years ago during a period known as the Great Migration when several Dwarven clans left the overcrowded and resource-depleted strongholds in the north to seek new lands rich in minerals. Led by the Frostborn clan, these Dwarves discovered a secluded valley within the Mindspin Mountains, abundant with valuable ores and precious gems. Recognizing the location's strategic importance and natural defences, they decided to establish a new settlement, which they named Stonegate.   The first major construction in Stonegate was the Iron Gates, a massive fortified entrance carved directly into the mountainside. The gates, reinforced with iron and adorned with intricate Dwarven craftsmanship, symbolized the town’s strength and resilience. Over the next century, the town expanded, and Frostborn Hall was built to serve as the residence of the Thane and the seat of Stonegate’s government.   Around 600 years ago, Stonegate faced its first significant external threat during the Orc Wars. A powerful alliance of orc tribes sought to claim the riches of the Mindspin Mountains. The Dwarves, led by Thane Garik Frostborn, successfully defended their home in the Battle of the Gates. This fierce conflict solidified the Frostborn family’s leadership and expanded the town’s defences.   As Stonegate grew, so did its reputation for exceptional craftsmanship and innovation. About 150 years ago, the town entered a Golden Age of Artifice under the leadership of Thane Durgrim Frostborn. The Artificer’s Guild was established during this period, attracting skilled crafters and inventors from across the region. Stonegate became known for its mining and metalwork, advanced magical items, and clockwork creations.   In more recent history, Thane Barador Frostborn has led the town through a time of relative peace, though challenges continue to arise as the world around Stonegate changes. The town has maintained its traditions while cautiously embracing new ideas, ensuring Stonegate remains a solid and prosperous community.   Throughout its history, Stonegate has been a bastion of Dwarven culture, resilience, and innovation, standing strong against external threats and internal challenges. Its people, deeply connected to the earth and their heritage, continue to thrive in the shadow of the Mindspin Mountains.

Points of interest

  1. Frostborn Hall: The Thane’s residence and the seat of Stonegate’s government. It serves as the home of Thane Barador Frostborn and the meeting place for the town’s Assembly.
  2. The Iron Gates: The fortified entrance to Stonegate, flanked by watchtowers. These massive gates serve as the town’s primary defence against outside threats.
  3. The Anvil and Ember: The largest forge and blacksmith shop in Stonegate, known for producing some of the finest weapons and armour in the region and owned by the Ironbeard clan.
  4. The Stone Flagon: A famous tavern and inn offering hearty meals, strong ale, and comfortable lodgings. It is a favourite gathering spot for locals and travellers alike.
  5. The Healing Hall: The town’s primary clinic and sanctuary for medical treatment and magical healing. Run by Thalia Ironheart and a team of skilled healers.
  6. The Clockwork Curio: A small shop specializing in intricate clockwork devices and magical trinkets, run by Valeria Cogsworth, the town’s reclusive gnome artificer.
  7. The Stonegate Market: An open-air marketplace near the town’s entrance, bustling with traders selling goods ranging from fresh produce to finely crafted weapons and armour.
  8. The Ember’s Rest: A bathhouse and spa known for its soothing hot springs and rejuvenating treatments. Run by Liora Flamehair, an oread with a deep connection to the earth.
  9. The Crystal Grotto: This district, located within the Crystal Caverns, is home to the town's older population. It is known for its natural beauty and tranquil atmosphere.
  10. The Library of Ancients: A vast knowledge repository containing ancient tomes and scrolls on Dwarven history, arcane lore, and more. They are managed by a group of scholars and scribes.


Nestled in a secluded valley within the Mindspin Mountains, Stonegate is surrounded by towering peaks and rugged terrain. The town is built into the mountainside, with sturdy stone buildings that blend seamlessly with the natural rock formations.
Founding Date
3925 AR
Related Reports (Secondary)