Session 4: The Silverymoon Massacre

General Summary

The group prepares for the coming battle at Silverymoon. Early in the morning on the day following their arrival, they are awakened to the sound of horns blowing from the battlements warning of the incoming attack.   As they are lead by Drizzt to the northern walls of Silverymoon, they see a sea of dark elves, goblins, orcs, and other vile creatures appear on the horizon. In front of the hoard a single figure emerges in the form of Montolio, the man who sent you to find Drizzt. Drizzt immediately calls out the imposter however the imposters true identity is unknown. The request that Drizzt come down and claim that the city will be spared. Drizzt heads the parties advice and does not come down, however, the figure in the form of Montolio opens up a portal to another plane and out steps none other than Lolth, the Spider Queen.

Upon seeing Lolth Drizzt knows that there is no escape. He jumps down from the wall and surrenders in an attempt to appease the evil goddess and have them spare Silverymoon. When Drizzt refuses to kneel before Lolth he is impaled by one of her legs and his head is severed as Lolth goes into a rage. Montolio then summons the party down from the wall and offers to spare them since they helped (unknowingly) him bring about the downfall of the legendary Drizzt. Little does the party know that they are being spared only to be sent to the Plane of Dread to live out their days.     As Lolth leaves Montolio summons a strange man named Dominic to assist him. Dominic is dressed in brightly colored clothes and has a quiet and polite demeanor. He takes their weapons, puts them in chains, and politely escorts them towards the north east. After 2 days of travel they arrive at the outskirts of the Glimmerwood forest. The party travels into the woods for about half a day when Dominic asks them to setup camp. As the party sits around a fire they notice a dense looking fog start to role in. Dominic stands up calmly and oddly states that they have arrived and are free to move about. He unchains the party and calmly gathers his belongings and disappears into the mist.   The party notices after a few minutes that there is an opening in the mist. The opening is a clear road that was not there earlier in the day before the mist arrived. It is clear they are no longer in the Glimmerwood. As they proceed down the path the come across a huge gate blocking the path.
  Upon approaching the wall the gate opens and the party is able to walk though where they find all of their weapons laying on the ground. No one appears to be manning the gate.   As they start to adventure on they catch the scent of death in the air and quickly find the body of what appears to be a peasant. He has been attacked by wolves and he is holding a note in his hand.

  The group immediately starts to hear howling in the woods and before they are able to escape they are ambushed by four dire wolves. The wolves put up a strong fight but the party is able to dispatch them fairly easily, however, their resources are depleted. They then quickly make their way down the road until they see the mist open up and a village off in the distance. The village of Barovia sits in a valley that is overlooked by a large castle.
As they approach the town they notice the mist starting to close in, almost as if it is guiding them. Inside the town they notice the mist start to creep in and obscure all but one row of houses. Outside the houses they see two kids who appear to be in distress. They approach the kids who immediately ask the adventurers to save their house from a monster that is inside. The kids say their name are Rose and Thorn. They mention that their young brother Walter is stranded on third floor and that their parents(Gustav and Elisabeth Durst) are inside somewhere.   The party quickly enters the house with the hopes of saving these kids from the nightmare that is inside....

Ne Plus Ultra

Sylas Silverfern

Neutral Wood Elf (Outlander)
Druid 3
cleric 1
31 / 31 HP

Dahn McSqueegin MySharmin

Cormack Bordenhammer

Chaotic Good Variant Human (Sage)
Fighter 1
Wizard 1
20 / 20 HP
Report Date
07 Apr 2023

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