Ne Plus Ultra

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Forgotten Realms
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Barlow Silverfoot
    Barlow Silverfoot is a slender human middle aged man who serves on the Council of Elders in Jalanthar. He has a close relationship with Boren Gristall. Barlow is one of the most active members of the Council and not much happens in Jalanthar without his knowing.
  • Boren Gristall
    Boren Gristall, a burly looking human, is the law keeper in Jalanthar. He is a no nonsense gruff character who was once a great fighter. Now in his older days he works with the Council of Elders to keep the peace. He is often found lounging in his chair outside The Crowing Cockatrice inn, the only tavern in the small village.
  • Ismark Kolyanovich
    Bother of Ireena. Also known as Ismark the Lesser.
  • Matrix Billingly
    The local provisioner in Hilltop.
  • Montolio Debrouchee
    An old blind ranger who was known to be a mentor to the legendary warrior Drizzt Do'Urdern
  • Quinn Nardrosz
    Quinn, is a retired human ranger. He is the head of the Council of Elders and is widely known to be an active member of the Emerald Conclave.
  • Sharwin Runefellow
    Sharwin is a member of the local guard in Jalanthar
  • Strahd von Zarovich
    The charismatic ruler of Barovia.

Scheduled Sessions

Wed 3rd July 2024 1:00

Session 50: Graz'zt Escapes

The party, having watched Rickard lose his head, are caught in Graz'zt's trap. His plan to delay the party has worked as planned and the siege on Silverymoon is at hand. Hamut appears and tells him to join him on the battlefield as the attack on Silverymoon is about to commence. They leave the party there and Hamut tells them if they are able to escape they should come to see him lay waste to Silverymoon and put Alustrial's head on a spike.   They teleport away and the party begins to explore the area. They eventually discover a huge Oculorb that has been there and invisible the whole time. It constantly teleports the party into random rooms as they attempt to defeat it. Finally the party is able to destroy it and the nasty displacer beasts that lurk in the dungeon. They found the key inside the Oculorb and are able to teleport out, returning to Elminster where they began.   The party makes final preparations and Elminster prepares to travel them to the city of Silverymoon.

Wed 26th June 2024 1:00

Session 49: How Time Flies, When You Lose Your Head

Mon 24th June 2024 23:00

Session 48: Fraz'Urb-luu

Tue 28th May 2024 0:00

Session 47: The Matron Mother

Wed 22nd May 2024 0:00

Session 46: The Little Green Dragon

Wed 15th May 2024 23:00

Session 45: A Plan is Finally Made!

Sun 12th May 2024 19:00

Session 44: Hamut, the Dawn Slayer

Wed 17th April 2024 18:00

Session 43: The Sharpeth Guild

Wed 10th April 2024 21:00

Session 42: Into the Deep

Wed 3rd April 2024 0:00

Session 41: Heckaton's Wrath

Wed 27th March 2024 23:00

Session 40: The Windwalkers Ward

Wed 20th March 2024 23:00

Session 39: The Grimoire Infinitus

Sun 10th March 2024 16:00

Session 38: The Return to Faerun

Wed 28th February 2024 17:00

Session 37: The Final Battle

Sun 25th February 2024 23:00

Session 36: The Return to Ravenloft

Mon 12th February 2024 0:45

Session 35: The Red Gem

Wed 7th February 2024 22:00

Session 34: Treasures!

Wed 31st January 2024 22:00

Session 33: The Dark Pacts

Wed 3rd January 2024 17:00

Session 32: The Return to Going Back to the Amber Temple Again

Fri 29th December 2023 0:00

Session 31: Tselinka Pass

Wed 20th December 2023 20:00

Session 30: The Escape from Castle Ravenloft

Wed 13th December 2023 0:00

Session 29: A Stroll Through the Catacombs

Sun 10th December 2023 23:00

Session 28: The Return to Ravenloft

Tue 21st November 2023 5:30

Session 27: Mordenkainen

Wed 8th November 2023 0:00

Session 26: The Return to Vallaki

Thu 2nd November 2023 5:00

Session 25: Argynvostholt

Wed 25th October 2023 6:00

Session 24: The Vestige of Divergence

Wed 18th October 2023 23:00

Session 23: Three Old Hags

Wed 11th October 2023 21:00

Session 22: The Green Gem

Wed 4th October 2023 7:00

Session 21: Yester Hill

Wed 27th September 2023 20:00

Session 20: The Abbot

Wed 13th September 2023 5:00

Session 19: The Abby

Wed 6th September 2023 4:00

Session 18: The Vallaki Massacre

Wed 30th August 2023 7:00

Session 17: Dinner with the Devil

Wed 23rd August 2023 16:00

Session 16: The Invitation

Wed 9th August 2023 19:00

Session 15: The Abbot

Wed 26th July 2023 16:00

Session 14: Kresk

Wed 12th July 2023 19:00

Session 13: We knew it was too easy!

Wed 5th July 2023 19:00

Session 12: A Swim in Lake Barovia

Tue 6th June 2023 23:00

Session 11: Vallaki

Wed 31st May 2023 18:30

Session 10: Hold Person!

Tue 23rd May 2023 19:00

Session 9: Fortunes Told!

Wed 17th May 2023 18:30

Session 8: Back from the Dead!

Perrin unexpectedly returns as the party tries to piece together its next steps.

Sessions Archive

26th Apr 2023

Session 7: The Burgomaster Laid to Rest

The team helps Irena and Ismark lay their father to rest.

Read the Report
19th Apr 2023

Session 6: Ismark and Ireena

After escaping the Death House the players meet a the troubled children of the Burgomaster, Ireena Kilyana and Ismark the Lesser.

Read the Report
12th Apr 2023

Session 5: The Death House

Read the Report
5th Apr 2023

Session 4: The Silverymoon Massacre

Read the Report
15th Mar 2023

Session 3: Drizzt Do'Urden

Read the Report
22nd Feb 2023

Session 2: The road to Silverymoon

Players head to Silveymoon with a quick stop in Hilltop

Read the Report
15th Feb 2023

Session 1: Strangers Meet

The Journey Begins

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Olaf Torunn

Sylas Silverfern

Neutral Wood Elf (Outlander)
Druid 3
cleric 1
31 / 31 HP

King of Tales Dahn McSqueegin MySharmin

Perin Goodbarrel

Cormack Bordenhammer

Chaotic Good Variant Human (Sage)
Fighter 1
Wizard 1
20 / 20 HP