Session 3: Drizzt Do'Urden

General Summary

Our adventurers head out from Silverymoon to find Montolio Debrouchee and deliver his new student Betterly. After an uneventful few nights on the road between Silverymoon and Sundabar they arrive in the small village of Auvandell. They are advised to navigate around the mountains in their search for Montolio. They also are told that the locals have no knowledge of a man living in the mountains.   As they adventure north they come across a small farm with a house that is surrounded by orcs, goblins, and bugbears. They approach the horde pretending to bring them more food in the form of Cormack, who is "tied up". As soon as the party is near the horde they attack. They quickly find that there are more enemies than they originally intended.   A mysterious man who appears to be blind comes to their aide and quickly dispatches the bugbears and orcs. The man identifies himself as Montolio and he helps the party uncover the evil plans of the orcs and bugbears. He asks the party to seek out Drizst Do'Urden, the legendary drow hero of Icewind Dale. They discover what appears to be a plot to destroy the city of Silverymoon and he wants the party to bring Drizzt to the aide of the city. Montolio says he will send word to Silverymoon warning them of the coming attack.   The party sets out for the 10 towns. The arrive with incredible speed due to potions of endurance given to them by Montolio. They find Drizzt and inform him of their mission. He is immediately suspicious because Montolio has been dead for over 100 years. Drizzt insists the party return to Montolio's grove so he can learn for himself the truth of this mysterious man.   Upon returning to the grove they find Betterly dead. He appeared to be killed in some sort of ritual. Drizzt encourages them to return to Silverymoon immediately and seek an audience with the High Mage.   Once in Silverymoon the party returns the ranger school and confronts Arkol Blendon. They figure out that he clearly was being deceitful and possibly knows the truth behind what happened to Betterly. The party then seeks an audiance with the High Priest and Drizzt is able to get them in. They explain what has happened and the High Priests ask them to help defend Silverymoon from whatever dangers await. It turned out that the message from Galek was a warning about the attack. In addition to this they learned that the blood pact was not real.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Delivered Bitterly to Montolio(where he was murdered and used in a ritual sacrifice)* COMPLETED
  • They were sent to find Dizzt and bring him to Silverymoon by "Montolio" * COMPLETED
  • They were asked by the high priest to help defend Silverymoon.

Ne Plus Ultra

Sylas Silverfern

Neutral Wood Elf (Outlander)
Druid 3
cleric 1
31 / 31 HP

Dahn McSqueegin MySharmin

Cormack Bordenhammer

Chaotic Good Variant Human (Sage)
Fighter 1
Wizard 1
20 / 20 HP
Report Date
16 Mar 2023

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