Session 7: The Burgomaster Laid to Rest Report

General Summary

After their strange encounter with Ingrid and the Burgomasters Mansion, the group waits for mid day and setout to lay the late Burgomaster to rest at the Church on the northern edge of the town of Barovia. As they leave the mansion and make their way through the center of town, the towns inhabitants give them a wide berth. This includes Ingrid, who gives them a reassuring nod as they make their way by.  

  Upon arriving at the Church they can see that it is an advanced state of decay and disrepair. Upon approaching they are quickly greeted by Father Donavich, the priest who is in charge of the church. Father Donavich, has fallen on hard times and yet is eager to assist Ireena and Ismark in laying their father to rest.   He escorts the group around to the back of the church to the cemetery to the north. As the group participates with the family and priest in a brief ceremony, they start to hear the howl of wolves off in the distance. As the ceremony comes to a close the howling reaches a fever pitch and as expected, several wolves run into the cemetery with nothing but bad intentions. To almost no ones surmise, Ingrid comes around the church leading the wolves attacks. The party fights bravely but the wolves are too many in number. As they strategically fall back to the church, the party is assisted by a stranger who arrives in a familiar dark carriage that is black as night.
  The stranger and one of his companions quickly pop out of the carriage and disperse the wolves and chase off Ingrid. While few blows were exchanged there was no doubt that the two man wear known as formidable foes and Ingrid and her wolves wanted nothing less than to engage them in combat.   The man introduces himself as Count Strahd von Zarovich. A name with which you have heard of several times since entering this strange realm. The charismatic Strahd proceeds to welcome the party to the land of Barovia and explains that there are those in the land who would do it harm. While he acknowledges many have a negative view of him he explains that times have been tough, the hard times of the land are due to an evil cult called the Order of the Silver Dragon. The party can tell that Strahd appears to have some level of affection for Ireena. Ireena, however, does not seem to want to have anything to do with Strahd. Strahd wishes the party well and warns them of the dangers of traveling in Barovia before departing.  
As the group outside wraps up the burial, Perrin, goes into the church to investigate a strange sound he heard while retreating during the battle with Ingrid and her wolves. The sound appeared to be a call for help coming from beneath the floor of the church. Perrin is able to sneak undetected into the undercroft of the church where he finds what appears to be a humanoid creature locked below the church. The sounds of a boy asking "father, help me" and "I'm starving! Please!" draw in the good natured halfling to assist. Upon approaching, the last thing Perrin hears before being attacked is "I can smell your blood......". Perrin is quickly overwhelmed by the undead creature.....fade to black.   A short time passes and the party goes into the church to find their halfling friend. They quickly discover he has gone under the church, which alerts the priest to the dangers, and proceed to go and find him. As the party descends under the church they see the gruesome site of their friend Perrin being feasted upon by a young boy. Upon noticing the party he rises and charges to attack, however, a well timed spell locks him down and the party is able to retrieve the remains of Perrin and quickly make their way upstairs.

Church of Barovia


Church of Barovia Undercroft

Ne Plus Ultra

Sylas Silverfern

Neutral Wood Elf (Outlander)
Druid 3
cleric 1
31 / 31 HP

Dahn McSqueegin MySharmin

Cormack Bordenhammer

Chaotic Good Variant Human (Sage)
Fighter 1
Wizard 1
20 / 20 HP
Report Date
17 May 2023

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