Session 14: Inside the Facility Report

General Summary

10th Olarune

The party rested as they discussed their next moves and identified a few myserious items found in the bedroom they had climbed into at the Research Facility. While they were contemplating this, Aethelwulf sent Merlin to scout the floor above and found winged reptiles with long barbed stinger tails (Wyverlings).   The Displacer Tyrant forced their hands by stalking down to the room they had climbed in and killed Merlin, before attempting to attack the party. Breaking open the door, sealed by arcane magic, the party fled just in time.   Exploring further, the party stumbled upon the corpse of a Tiefling who had died in battle with one of the Wyverlings and when Kai disturbed the corpse, its spirit stirred and attempted to attack Kai. Aethelwulf, having used his mark to cast See Invisibility, saw this. The spirit, noticing it had been seen, rushed Aethelwulf and threw him down the corridoor.   Aethelwulf began to speak to the spirit in Infernal and learned that it had companions that had died on other floors and indicated it wanted the necklace they all wore to be joined together, such that they might find peace. At the same time. Zora'kas and Dhok investigated the rooms and found the Power Matrix and Advanced Laboratory Access Crystla.   Heading to the Laboratory, they attempted to ambush the Wyverlings but were instead attacked first. The party traded blows with the Wyverlings until the Displacer Tyrant caught a Wyverling from outside and the rest of them fled with their hatchlings. The party explored the laboratory and found a journal from a researcher.   After lingering for too long, the spirit became restless and threw Aethelwulf towards the stairs. Aethelwulf argued with it and threatened not to help it, to which the spirit responded by knocking him clean unconscious.

Eberron Wayfinders
Report Date
26 Jun 2021

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