Session 18: The Storm of Revelations Report

General Summary

17th to 21th Olarune

The party left Varna along the Lake Road. Quickly after, a storm swept through the region and stopped the party from traveling for the rest of the day. As the storm raged, Kai was compelled to wander off in a trance-like state towards the lake.   Zora'kas, while out foraging, heard an eerie singing through the roar of the storm and followed it. He came across Kai slowly walking towards the water, hair down to her waist with balls of lightning sparking off the tips. Zora'kas shook Kai free of the trance and they returned to the wagon, where Kai explained that she had some entity bound within a Khybershard that was embedded into her chest.   Zora'kas attempted to touch the gem, and bot him and Kai felt an overwhelming repulsion during the contact. A voice spoke to Zora'kas and provided knowledge of the gem - being a prison for a dangerous power.   At the same time, Esi meditated and attempted to push through the subconscious barrier separating her and her Quori spirit's conscious but suffered psychic feedback. Caderyn appeared and offered knowledge of a ritual to break past the barrier.   Continuing the journey and clearing obstacles left from the storm, Esi found a rambling Halfing, muttering to himself. Upon approaching, the Halfling attacked Esi, crying out to get his mind back. Esi rained down a flurry of blows and knocked the Halfling unconscious. When the rest of the party caught up, she explained what happened. When the Halfling woke up, he attempted to attack the party before Aethelwulf used Suggestion to calm him down.   The party traveled for another day, contemplating what they will do with the figure and discussng the revelations about each other they had made.

Eberron Wayfinders
Report Date
25 Jul 2021

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