Session 25: Battle on the Galifray Report

General Summary

29th Olarune

After traveling for half the day, a storm appeared over the horizon and it began to rain heavily. Lights from ships were spotted through the rain at a very close distance and gaining on the Galifreet. Waiting until the ships were close enough, Aethelwulf unleashed heavy blasts with Fireball, Kai was fueled by the storm and targeted the ships with bolts of lightning, and Amali covered one of the ships with lethal, thorny growths that inhibited movement upon the ship.   Caught up in the tense moments of the battle, and with Kai not focused on the direction the ships were traveling in, the Viper vessel that was in front of them angled to cause a head-on collision.

Eberron Wayfinders
Report Date
07 Sep 2021

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