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Session I: A Storm is Brewing

General Summary


Summer is coming to Therium, and the Festival of Mothers is quickly approaching. Coincidentally, Prince Quintus Mallius Verulus's nameday falls on the same day as the Festival. For one reason or another, your character has made their way to the port town of Susta, looking to make their way to Cynhall via the Therium Depths.

Session Events

Individually, each player made their way to the Golden Seas Tavern, the base of operations of The Golden Seas Travel Company in Susta. After a short conversation, they paid for passage to Cynhall over the Therium Depths - a two day trip, with lodging at The Golden Seas Inn in Cynhall for one night included. There, they notice several other passengers making their way gto Cynhall for the Festival of Mothers: a family of humans, three dwarven males, and three other human friends.   After some time, Grendanna Stormbreaker, a half-orc woman and captain of the Sharkfin, enters the building. She rounds up the passengers and everyone makes their way to the docks, where they meet her first mate, Rackham Byrne, a gnomish male. The group boards the ship and are shown their quarters; it's not a fancy or luxurious boat, but they're in good hands. The first day of the trip is uneventful, with the group getting to know each other a bit better. The second day is much the same.   However, on the night of the second day of the trip, the crew of the Sharkfin spots a storm brewing in the distance...and it's a nasty one. Rackham wakes up the passengers, asking for help the prepare the ship for the storm. The group all decides to help in whatever ways they can. And after not long, the storm finally hits. The group does their best to keep the ship afloat, and are successful through their combined efforts. They're even able to protect the crew as two Sahuagin board the ship in an attempt to rob the ship in the chaos of the storm. After a long, long night, the Sharkfin arrives at the Port Ward in Cynhall.


  • The Sharkfin arrives safely at Cynhall, with all the passengers, Grendanna, and Rackham alive.
  • The group is rewarded by The Golden Seas Travel Company for helping the ship arrive safely.

Rewards Granted

40 GP and 300 EXP per person

Character(s) interacted with

  • Grendanna Stormbreaker
  • Rackham Byrne

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