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Session 13: There's a Bug in my Azzat-sicle!

General Summary

  • The Party enters a dungeon room with a large pool. Around the room are platforms and levers, which they discover that if they throw make ice bridges to cross the frigid water and open the door on the other side.
  • Bengt Sunwalker, in a heroic display of bravery, leaps across a 20ft gap of water to save Kayl. And though he slips and falls on his ass on the otherside, manages to destroy the offending Ice Mephit in one blow.
  • Frederick, stuck in the ethereal plane, chats with Squelaiche and does his best to help his friends out as they make their way through the chamber. He had the insight to use his Thumb-Link to talk to them, walkie-talkie style and helps them ice some Mephits.
  • Moving out into the courtyard, Squelaiche congratulates them all on finishing his maze and turns to lead them to his Fey Gate, but a Remhoraz attacks from beneath the ice and swallows Kayl! After a hard fight, the party slays the giant bug and Squelaiche is all too happy to drop his ice jester guise, defrosts Azzat, and leads them to the Feywild.
  • On the way, Kayl questions him if he knows anything about the Heart of Eldath, the mythological apple he has been searching for on his pilgrimage. Squelaiche hedges and dodges, which makes Kayl suspicious, but eventually the trickster tells Kayl that focusing on the destination is antithetical to the point of a pilgrimage, and that he needs to focus on the journey and the friends he’s made along the way.
  • When they reach the Feywild, Squelaiche allows them to rest and recuperate before marching on into the alien wilderness, and Bengt realizes the corruption of the Scale has grown deeper into him. After the party departs the Material Plane, a figure of shining metal appears out of the snow and ice and investigates the remnants of the portal that took them to the Feywild and lets out a curse in a long-dead language. They are still being hunted.

22nd of Mars

Level: 4
The Scales of Time
Report Date
26 May 2022
Primary Location
Wight's Game
Secondary Location


  • Candleflame Militia: 2
  • Allaris's Bandits: -4 (Defeated)
  • Apple Tree Pond: 5
  • Goblins of the Maw: 1
  • Dragonborn: 3


  • Philip: 1
  • Alveron: 3
  • Tori: 1
  • Splug: 4
  • Azzat: 4
  • Squelaiche: 1

Time Sensitive

  Bengt's Scale - 7
  • Cursed on 15th of Mars

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