Episode 8: New Friends Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Episode 8: New Friends

General Summary

32nd of Harvesttide, 1283 Dyeri Cycle

We start earlier in the day as Friar Artemis arrives in Tanylvar from the northern road. He had been sent here by Zinrys to talk with another former pupil of his named Castor Fizzbolt. Fizzbolt had recently sent him a message about picking up the search for Dwarven technology again and had asked for some of his knowledge. He arrives on the outskirts of Tanylvar in the morning and finds himself in a decent-sized city that seems to be relatively prosperous as evidence of its expansion can be found everywhere from the new walls being built, the updates to the docks, and the beginnings of a new castle on a smaller bluff to the south. Artemis has passed by a Havani camp earlier that morning, but was in a hurry to reach the city so didn't stop to talk with them.
Artemis heads into the village on the northern side of Tanylvar and comes upon the outdoor market. Stalls are set up everywhere with a variety of different wares, but mostly grains and their by-products with the occasional stall of fruit or vegetables. He heads over to an apple cart and buys a half dozen for a couple of copper and then looks around the market at the people. He finds them mostly to be Dyeri with the occasional mixed-race person. After a bit he sees some guards wearing a purposefully darkened chain shirt heading through the market. As he gets closer he finds they have a patch with some kind of black geometric symbol on it. The one he approaches has a patch with a single black bar. Artemis asks about buying some books or scrolls. The guard mentions the Merchant district and gives him directions to the district.
Artemis heads down the road, over the river, and through a newer, but less repaired portion of the city until he reaches the walled part. As he heads through he sees them building a new wall around the newer portion of the city as he sees built-up earthen works. Reaching the gate of the older portion of the city, he notices the keep looking out over the city from a bluff. Looking around he finds the guardhouse and asks about the Merchant District. He mentions he is a friar and asks about scrolls and they direct him to the temple of Cyr at the other end of the main street.
Artemis takes his time heading down the street as he looks at the various shops. He finds a potion shop, a jewelers shop, some leatherworking and tailors, and a cartographer about two-thirds of the way down the street before finally reaching the temple to Cyr. This temple seems to be dedicated to the Order of Compassion. He heads inside to find a large central hall with some smaller knaves on the other side of some pillars all leading the eye to large stained glass windows around a dais with an altar. Several priests of Cyr dot the hall in various states of prayer or discussion. Artemis heads to the altar passing some parishioners or pilgrims. Within about twenty feet of the altar, two guards with pikes move to intercept him. The guards ask how they can help him and he tells him about a brother from his village needing a scroll which can only be found in the possession of Castor Fizzbolt. As the guards speak to him another priest approaches and addresses Artemis.
The priest mentions he has heard of Castor Fizzbolt and introduces himself as Brother Staerk. The two discuss Artemis' origin and the name Brother Parsimyus comes up and Artemis deflects the question. They discuss how Castor had helped with the dome on the top of the temple. There is clearly some complex mirror work that directs a beam of sunlight onto the altar. He mentions Castor is in the common district near where one of the new walls is being built near the river.
Thanking the priest, Artemis heads out and back down the main street of the Merchant District. He gets to the cartographer shop and finds the red door closed and locked. He taps on the door and eventually, a woman's voice tells him to wait a moment. A small viewing door opens and a pair of eyes and brown bangs asks if they can help Artemis. Artemis asks about the cartographer and she mentions the cartographer is out on an expedition. Asking about the cartographer's name, the woman mentions his name is Garth Manson and she mentions he is to be back in a few days. He thanks her and asks after her name. She tells him her name is Levyla and seems pleased to have been asked. Artemis butters her up a bit before finding out that she is the cartographer's daughter.
Artemis heads back out of the Merchant district and follows the directions given until he comes upon what is clearly the workshop of Castor. He notices a couple of people across the street from the workshop playing a game. He feels there is something a little bit off about them. As he closes on Castor's place and looks back at the people, he realizes they are watching him. Knocking on the door to the workshop, he hears a "come in." He enters the shop and asks "if this is the place where they are looking for dwarven ruins?"
Looking around Artemis sees a gnome with three others. On a table is a sword with its pommel pulled apart and some gears inside it as well as a flintlock that has something wrong with it. Glancing over the people, he sees one looks like a warrior wearing armor and a shield, a cloaked bearded man with a bow, and a woman with a pistol at her hip and a large crystal in her hand. Castor responds with "maybe, who are you?" Artemis introduces himself and offers himself up for work. Artemis mentions his mentor Zinrys had sent him and it dawns on Castor that his old mentor had sent help after all.
Artemis fully enters and Castor's clockwork servant closes the door. Small talk ensues as they discuss Castor's clockwork minions. Castor introduces the other three in the room (Morgoth, Silva, and Andal). Castor gestures to the items on the table and mentions these three have gotten some items from the ruins. Castor asks these three if they want to add another person to the search and they agree to it. Castor offers to add Artemis to the retainer as well for 25gp per week. Castor says he needs to look at the items and then dismisses them. They watch him look down the barrel, add a pellet, and then look down the barrel again almost pulling the trigger before they stop him. He then points the item at the wall and fires an icy bolt at the wall. He puts in a crackling pellet in the bolter and fires a bolt of electricity at the wall. Castor reminds them to try to find a library and some books as well as the main citadel then that would be best.
The four adventurers leave Castor's workshop and get acquainted. Andal mentions the people following them around and points out the two people playing a game across the street. Silva suggests having a drink at the Red Boar Tavern and heads off down the street. They quickly reach the tavern and enter. It being midday there aren't too many people there and as they enter the bartender looks them over and asks them what they need. Artemis heads passed as the rest enter the tavern. He doubles back after walking for a bit then stops for prayer. While praying, Artemis notices the two guys playing the game from before pass the Red Boar Tavern. He watches them find a spot across from the tavern and start playing a game again.
In the tavern, Silva asks for some dwarven spirits. The bartender provides a small glass of something from a jug and hands it to Silva. The other two get an ale and then the man watches as Silva downs the dwarven whisky. She holds it down but feels a bit woozy. She asks for another and the barman chuckles as he brings over another. She drinks that one and orders another. That is delivered just as Artemis enters the tavern and joins them. Artemis mentions the guys following them sitting outside and they then ask after Artemis. Artemis gives a little bit of a resume and that he is just looking for a place to work. They discuss what has gone on before and different skills. They then talk about the guys outside, specifically about Darvan and the threats against working with Castor. They then discuss places Artemis could stay and settle on staying at the Havani camp. Deciding to check out the job boards for a job, they head out of the tavern.
Leaving the tavern, they head to the Merchant District to check out that job board. As they head to the board, Andal notices those two guys following them again. Checking them out a bit more, one looks like he came from the docks while the other looks like he might have been a miner at one point, but is just too tall. They reach the job board and go over the various jobs posted. Bodyguards, caravan guards, and watchmen are what they find. Artemis feels these aren't really worth trying and suggests they head to the docks job board. Andal suggests they go to the jewelers on their way.
They head down Marchant Way and find Zelara's Jewels right next to Dios' Potions. Entering the shop past a woman with white hair and grey skin wearing a cloak over some kind of armor, they find a dark-haired woman with green eyes who asks what she can do for them. Andal offers her some of the Hyacintho crystals. She looks over the raw crystal and she offers 350gp for the crystal cluster and they sell it for that. At this point, the woman with white hair enters the store and starts looking at necklaces. Andal then asks after the night watchman job. She mentions she is looking for a new watchman as the current one is going to the Black Watch. She really wants two people only and she would pay 5gp per person for up to two people. They mention they sometimes get called away and that doesn't work for her. They decide to pass on this job.
They continue down the Merchant Way past the Temple of Cyr when Andal notices the tall muscular guy is back there, but the other one is missing. He hasn't been seen since they left the shop. As they continue to the docks, they start looking for ways to either lose the guy or confront him. As they reach the main fish market, the group splits up into two groups taking different routes to the job board. Andal and Artemis head one way and Morgoth and Silva go the other. Andal doesn't see the guy follow him and the other group also loses him. They meet at the job board where Silva finally sees the tall guy along the route she had taken. They look over the job board.
Artemis heads in a different direction as the other three head to the tall man. Silva starts talking with the man and they find him short on words. Asking him what he is doing, he says he is looking for a job on docks. Silva takes him to the job board and then shows him where the harbormaster is so he can get a dock job. They leave the man talking to the harbormaster.
The adventurers head over to the warehouse where Artemis is already at. Heading inside, they enter the office and talk to a dwarf named Quil. They talk to him initially about moving cargo to one of the mines. Deciding that is not for them, they instead ask about the warehouse guard job. The dwarf is interested in Andal and Morgoth for guards, but not the other two. Artemis tries to convince him he can do the work. The dwarf is willing to take them on and see how it goes. They would start on the night shift. They tell the dwarf they wish to discuss and then get back to him.
The group steps outside and discusses this job. They decide to pass on the job for now and instead head to the Havani camp where Silva's family is currently camped. As they head out, they notice the tall man being directed by the harbormaster towards a dock. Artemis also notices a white-haired woman pass by them, but doesn't get a good look at her as she continues towards the fish market. They head along the docks and out the north side of the city. Following the road to the north, they travel for about half an hour before coming to a path on the side of the road that leads to a circle of wagons with children playing. Heading into the camp, they notice there are two wagon circles each with six wagons. They also notice it is a very diverse set of people from dwarves to dyeri to halflings. A man with salt and pepper hair steps down from a wagon and hails Silva. This is Silva's uncle, Rorick. Rorick mentions there will be an interesting stew for dinner and seems to grimace. Rorick asks after his niece and she mentions they are looking for a place for Artemis to stay for a bit. As Rorick welcomes Artemis, Artemis notices that many of the older people are watching the children while others seem to be fixing items and some women are preparing food. He also notices this camp is semi-permanent.
Rorick asks about the rest of the group and information about what Silva has been up to after Artemis asked Silva a bit about her family and background. While Artemis is providing some information about the last few days a little girl rushes up and asks Silva about a gift. Silva gives the girl, Daisy, a duck even though she wants the homunculus. Daisy takes the duck runs off playing with it. Rorick mentions it will be an hour before food and heads back to the wagon. Artemis heads off into the forest to find herbs to try to make the stew better. The other three head off to a clearing to start testing the strange items they have found.
They start off by testing out the shield that Andal found. Putting in a pellet, Andal presses the button and the shield floats in the air before him. They have Morgoth attack him and through trial and error learn the shield moves to intercept attacks even though it is not being held. As they do that, Silva continues to improve her map. After learning about the shield, they set about trying to figure out what the armor does. Andal puts in a single green pellet and then the armor briefly vibrates, there is a slight click, and then it stops. Andal has Morgoth hit him again, but that doesn't seem to have any effect. Pondering what they know about the different pellets, they realize maybe the armor can resist acid better. As they are discussing this, Artemis shows up after finding herbs.
Artemis pulls out a vial of acid and pours some on the hip side and only a portion of the acid gets through the armor. Artemis asks questions about the items and they mention they have only found them in the ruins. Silva pulls out the circlet with the dark crystal. Silva puts a cold pellet in and puts on the circlet. Looking through the crystal she can see a bluish tinge on the world. As she looks at Andal something on his belt glows with a bright light. Silva notices that Andal's armor glows, but none of the other magical items glow. Silva puts in a fire pellet and finds that it shows evocation magic. She does the same with a crackling pellet and it shows evocation magic. It becomes clear that this item shows magical auras based on the type of pellet used.
They head back to the camp as the suns sink below the horizon...

Rewards Granted

Artemis added to retainer
Sell a hyacintho crystal cluster to Zalara's Jewelers for 350gp.

Character(s) interacted with

Brother Staerk - priest at the temple of Cyr, member of the Order of Compassion
Dirk - bartender at the Red Boar Tavern
Quil - dwarven guard master for the Silver Ore Consortium warehouses
Rorick - Silva's uncle
Daisy - Silva's cousin (daughter of Rorick's daughter)

Created Content

Silver Ore Consortium - largest company
Iron Hammer - richest mining company
Calthion's Ores
Nyrael Mining Company - mining company owned by the count of Nyrael


Artemis buys 6 apples for 2cp.
Silva has 4 dwarven whiskeys for 1gp.
The 4 ales that were had by the other three cost 1cp each (Morgoth 2, Artemis 1, Andal 1)
Andal's brother works for the Silver Ore Consortium
Learn Andal has a Dancing Shield
Learn Andal has Studded Leather Armor of Resistance
Learn Silva has a Monocle of Magic Detection
Andal uses 1 green pellet and 1 crackling pellet
Silva uses 1 cold pellet and 1 fire pellet and 1 crackling pellet

Gears of Vengeance

Sealgair Fala

Chaotic Good (Soldier)
Blood Hunter 1
12 / 12 HP

Friar Artemis

Human ()
Alcamist 1
Barbarian 1
23 / 23 HP
Report Date
13 Mar 2021

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