Andal | World Anvil

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A guide and tracker, Andal has been taking odd jobs for various merchants and minor noblemen. Recently, the jobs have dried up and so he has found the need to look towards other means of making ends meet.

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Andal's history, from the beginning to today.

Episode 13: Goblin Reflux Part Deux

02:28 am - 07.06.2021

Episode 13: Goblin Reflux Part Deux

10:11 pm - 06.06.2021

Episode 12: Goblin Reflux

10:35 pm - 25.05.2021

Episode 12: Goblin Reflux

06:25 pm - 22.05.2021

Episode 11: TBD

11:47 pm - 01.05.2021

Episode 11: TBD

07:26 pm - 01.05.2021

Episode 10: Signs

09:43 pm - 24.04.2021

Episode 10: Signs

07:07 pm - 24.04.2021

Episode 9: TBD

09:55 pm - 27.03.2021

Episode 9: TBD

06:53 pm - 27.03.2021

Episode 8: TBD

01:09 am - 14.03.2021

Episode 8: TBD

10:00 pm - 13.03.2021

Episode 7: Stumbling in the Dark

09:39 pm - 27.02.2021

Episode 7: Stumbling in the Dark

06:57 pm - 27.02.2021

Episode 6: A Case of the Caverns

05:12 am - 19.02.2021

Episode 6: A Case of the Caverns

05:12 am - 19.02.2021

Episode 5: Fungi Business

02:00 am - 31.01.2021

Episode 5: Fungi Business

12:24 am - 31.01.2021

Episode 4: Ruins of K'har

04:36 pm - 29.01.2021

Episode 4: Ruins of K'har

04:36 pm - 29.01.2021

Episode 3: Sojourns

04:34 pm - 29.01.2021

Episode 3: Sojourns

04:34 pm - 29.01.2021

Episode 2: Stealth is the Better Part of Valor

04:33 pm - 29.01.2021

Episode 2: Stealth is the Better Part of Valor

04:33 pm - 29.01.2021

Episode 1: Beginnings

04:30 pm - 29.01.2021

Episode 1: Beginnings

04:30 pm - 29.01.2021

Episode 0: Persona Icognita

04:05 pm - 29.01.2021

Episode 0: Persona Icognita

04:05 pm - 29.01.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Andal.

Played by

Other Characters by amsauerb