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Session II: Arrival and errands Report

General Summary

Our heroes' party had finally arrived at the elven viceroyalty's capital, Glase. By magical means they were contacted by the empress, who told them that an audience with Glase's sovereign, Vellamo Faye. They began wondering what to do and quickly noticed that elven-kind doesn't take too kindly to strangers. Making loud noises made them stand out even harder, which was culminated by Alt'Dorf trying to ask for directions and getting ignored. They got into a small scuffle and were admonished by the guard. They discovered that offensive magic is not allowed on the capital and were told of a tavern that might take in non-elven people. They spent the night in the tavern some better than others and, in the morning. they went to palace to have their audience.

In the palace they met the viceroy who looked worn and sleep-deprived, most likely because of the happening all around the elven kingdom. The viceroy gave them a mission and offered them to investigate the possible location of their targets in exchange for completion of this quest. The party agreed and were shown to Blossomborough, a small town were people had been disappearing weekly. They spoke to the townspeople who pointed them towards the forest.

Investigating the forest, they felt in the traps of a bandit raiding party. They avoided combat thanks to Medan's diplomacy skills and were escorted by the bandits to their hideout.

In the hideout they were told disappeareances had been occurring in the bandit camp too, albeit less frequently. The bandits pointed them to an old mine where drow had taken shelter and people were seen in a weird trance going in.

They quickly went to investigate and tried to infiltrate the cave feigning this trance state, but where made-out by the drow who began attacking. The party fought the drow guards, but one of them run and rang an alarm.

The Forsaken Maiden's Lament
Report Date
08 Jul 2023

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