S0E02 - Don't Tap the Barrel Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

S0E02 - Don't Tap the Barrel Report

General Summary

Morning comes, and as discussed the night before, the party gathers early in the inn's common area for a hearty breakfast before the day's quest. However, not everyone joins. Info is not feeling well today and stays behind in his room. Tommy is also missing and although Verity wishes he could tell Kolja and Sarwynn that his squire is simply staying back to watch over their sick friend, Verity is honest to a fault. So it is that Kolja, Sarwynn and eventually even Verity, laughed throughout their meal as Verity recounted the tale of the crabby situation Tommy was in this morning after staying up o' so very late with his new friend the bar maid.   Breakfast complete, the ever dutiful Verity tries to rally Kolja and Sarwynn to journey to Gnomengarde and warn the gnomes of the dragon threat even though their new party is down two persons. Words of heroism, duty and gnomes in grave danger seem lost on the pair but when they are reminded that there is also coin and promise of magic items as reward, they both agree and the trio leave on an eight hour march to the gnomish settlement of Gnomengarde.   Arriving in the location of Gnomengarde the party is cautious as they enter a spacious cave system that opens up around an underground river. Sarwynn uses his wings to fly around the cave and scout the high ground, eventually finding a series of tunnels and excavated chambers with gnomes. Problem is, these tunnels sit atop a cliff. Verity assures the others he can make it up there, no problem. Sarwynn flies up and throws a rope down to Verity and Kolja. Kolja grins at Verity and scampers up the cliff side agilely, ignoring the rope and using his razor sharp claws to scale up to the top in a flash. Verity did not consider the weight of his heavy armor, shield, and sword... nor did he stop to think of the 75 lb backpack on his back. After climbing 10 feet up he came crashing to the ground on his rump. He picked himself up and tried again this time making it up to the top of the cliff looking haggard, sweat pouring down his face and gasping for air as he finally crested the plateau. A few moments to let Verity catch his breath and off the trio went.   Here they met several gnomes and if you have never spoken to a gnome before know this: They talk fast. Incredibly super duper fast and none of the trio spoke gnomish either so the gnomes were forced to speak in common which means, heavy... gnomish... accents. Nonetheless, Kolja and Sarwynn are able to make out that the gnomes are in some kind of trouble and their leaders, the kings Korboz  and Nerkli , are indisposed and so they should instead look for two gnomes called Fibblestib and Dabbledob.   A little more exploration and they meet the gnomes, who are actually called Fibblestim and Dabbledum. These guys are very nervous and anxious. They don't notice the party at first and are in deep discussion about a sanitation ray for the King's state jacket. They believe the party to be shapeshifters and ask them to prove they aren't. After some persuasive talking, the party comes to understand that two gnomes were eaten in a brutal attack and that Kings Korboz and Nerkli have closed themselves off in their quarters afraid of a shapeshifter. The party agrees to help the Kings in exchange for the promise of magical artefacts to aid against the dragon. After seeking out the kings' room, Korboz tells them he will not open the door until proof is brought that the shapeshifter is dead.   The party explores Gnomengarde, eventually an innocent looking barrel transforms into a mimic shapeshifter in front of Sarwynn. It takes him by surprise and attacks him. A fierce battle ensues, Verity prays to Bahamut for his blessing. Kolja pounces, striking hard then retreating out of harms way just as quickly. Sarwynn is trapped as the monster latches onto him but that doesn't stop him from blasting his eldritch magic at it. The monster is no match for this trio. Verity heals Sarwynn's injuries and picks up the monster carcass to bring as proof of their quest complete.   King Korboz finally unlocks the door after some convincing and him spying the carcass through the door keyhole. The party finds out he's actually been keeping King Nekli hostage under magical restraint, suspecting him to be the shapeshifter... but agrees to let him free now. Both Kings are quite grateful and heed the warning from Verity that a white dragon is loose and they must protect and prepare themselves. The Kings are grateful for all the aid and reward the party with some minor magic items: Hat of Wizardry (Verity), Pole of Collapsing (Kolja), Wand of Pyrotechnics (Sarwynn) and a Clockwork Amulet that Kolja believes Tommy could make good use of... if for nothing else than to know when to leave barmaids alone and go to bed!   Given it is only late afternoon the party decides to make the most of the remaining sunlight and marches 4 hours to Umbrage Hill. Here they are greeted by the good midwife Adabra Gwynn who prepares a delicious hot meal for dinner, cots for resting overnight and sends them off with fresh biscuits in the morning. Verity tries once again to convince her it would be safer to stay in Phandalin but she refuses him again.   As the party arrives in Phandalin they witness the white dragon circling above. Sarwynn disappears somewhere. The dragon swoops down, grabbing a cow for breakfast and flash-freezing a house in a show of awesome power; for white dragons breathe frost, not fire. Kolja and Verity rush to see if anyone is in danger, but it was an empty house.   With no further danger, Sarwynn pops up and the trio head to the townmaster to collect their reward for the Gnomengarde quest. They hand over the magic Hat of Wizardry and are provided 50 gold in return. Sarwynn, Kolja and Verity split this gold reward and set out for the inn to check in on their friends.

Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak
Report Date
11 Jan 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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