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Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Faerûn
July 2020 December 2020 | Full


  • The Sword Coast
    The Sword Coast, not to be confused with the Sword Coast North, was the region in western Faerûn that lay along the coast of the Sea of Swords[1] and extended inward into to the vale. It was bordered by the Delimbiyr Vale in the North,[3] and to the south by the merchant nation of Amn.   Some say the Sword Coast took its name from the white cliffs that rose up sharply for hundreds of miles along the coastline between the River Dessarin and Baldur's Gate. Traveling author Volothamp Geddarm attributed the region's name to its dangerous inhabitants, both humanoid and bestial.
Supporting Cast
  • Adabra Gwynn
    Midwife living at @[Umbrage Hill](landmark:50daaafb-81bb-4d3a-925e-677134623577), an acolyte of @Chauntea(character).
  • Dazzlin
    One of two dwarf excavators working at the Dwarven Excavation.
  • Don-Jon Raskin
    A take-no-crap, grizzled old miner who has recently been appointed as Foreman at @[Mountain's Toe Gold Mine](landmark:1891c227-727d-4135-a0bb-6b7f4a0b3e29).
  • Elmar Barthen
    Proprietor of @[Barthen's Provisions](landmark:9d2d0573-8617-47b1-a2ba-b57d956e4031). He is a lean and balding human man of fifty years.
  • Sister Garaele
    Caretaker of the @[Shrine of Luck](landmark:22e20dbd-aa44-4af4-8ed5-1cc2d467dd0a), temple of @Tymora(character), in @[Phandalin](settlement:df58fdfe-5ceb-4b1a-a5f6-56fe84c090ed).
  • Halia Thornton
    A calculating woman who is the guildmaster of the @[Phandalin Miner's Exchange](landmark:0146a7e4-5aa2-47b5-b026-0f874abc7c08).
  • Townmaster Harbin Wester
    The @[Phandalin](settlement:df58fdfe-5ceb-4b1a-a5f6-56fe84c090ed) Townsmaster is a cowardly man. He pays the party for completed quests that were posted on the Phandalin notice board. He hides in his house, thinking the walls offer him protection from the white dragon threat. He slides payouts one coin at a time under the door making it a lengthy and tedious affair to turn in work. However, he is making Phandalin a safer place, and the party richer, through the quests he provides, so his quirks are tolerated.
  • King Korboz
    One of two gnome kings of @[Gnomengarde](settlement:46eff541-bc86-4b38-899b-cb0a9a850023).
  • Linene Graywind
    Proprietor of the @[Lionshield Coster](landmark:9704dae5-d70e-4c34-9075-41331dc89e15), the local weapons and armour store in @[Phandalin](settlement:df58fdfe-5ceb-4b1a-a5f6-56fe84c090ed).
  • King Nerkli
    One of two gnome kings of @[Gnomengarde](settlement:46eff541-bc86-4b38-899b-cb0a9a850023).
  • Norbus
    One of two dwarven excavators met at the Dwarven Excavation.
  • Toblen Stonehill
    Proprietor of the @[Stonehill Inn](landmark:35031e9f-e88b-4161-8313-23e0c9093fe3).
  • Xanth
    Sole remaining centaur of @[Neverwinter Wood](location:a8c85734-776f-4d4d-bb90-61f52b8522a4).

Sessions Archive

3rd Jan 2021

S0E25 - The Tower of Storms (continued)

Last week, our adventurers left off after defeating a clutch of harpies that had lured poor Kolja into their influence from their nest atop the rocks that house the Tower of Storms.

Read the Report
27th Dec 2020

S0E24 - To Grandmother's House We Go (concluded)

Read the Report
20th Dec 2020

S0E23 - To Grandmother's House We Go (continued)

Read the Report
13th Dec 2020

S0E22 - To Grandmother's House We Go (continued)

Read the Report
6th Dec 2020

S0E21 - To Grandmother's House We Go

Read the Report
29th Nov 2020

S0E20 - Circle K

Read the Report
22nd Nov 2020

S0E19 - Rendez-vous at the Lodge

Read the Report
15th Nov 2020

S0E18 - Landsharks

Read the Report
8th Nov 2020

S0E17 - Moldy Bones (concluded)

Read the Report
1st Nov 2020

S0E16 - Moldy Bones

Read the Report
25th Oct 2020

S0E15 - Chim Chim Cheroo (concluded)

Read the Report
18th Oct 2020

S0E14 - Chim Chim Cheroo (continued)

Read the Report
11th Oct 2020

S0E13 - Chim Chim Cheroo (continued)

Read the Report
4th Oct 2020

S0E12 - Chim Chim Cheroo

Read the Report
27th Sep 2020

S0E11 - Orcs are Dorks (concluded)

Read the Report
20th Sep 2020

S0E10 - Orcs are Dorks (continued)

Read the Report
13th Sep 2020

S0E09 - Orcs are Dorks (continued)

Read the Report
6th Sep 2020

S0E08 - Orcs are Dorks

Read the Report
1st Sep 2020

S0E07 - I Smell a Rat (concluded)

Read the Report
30th Aug 2020

S0E06 - I Smell a Rat (continued)

Read the Report
16th Aug 2020

S0E05 - I Smell a Rat

Read the Report
8th Aug 2020

S0E04 - Greedy Jelly (continued)

Read the Report
2nd Aug 2020

S0E03 - Greedy Jelly

Read the Report
26th Jul 2020

S0E02 - Don't Tap the Barrel

Read the Report
12th Jul 2020

S0E01 - Motley Core

The humble beginnings of our adventuring party.

Read the Report
The frontier town of Phandalin is built on the ruins of a much older settlement. Hundreds of years ago, the old Phandalin was a thriving human town whose people were firmly allied with neighboring dwarves and gnomes. Then an orc horde swept through the area and laid waste to the settlement, and Phandalin was abandoned for centuries.   In the last three or four years, settlers from the cities of Neverwinter and Waterdeep have begun the hard work of reclaiming the ruins of Phandalin. The new settlement is home now to farmers, woodcutters, fur traders, and prospectors drawn by stories of gold and platinum in the foothills of the Sword Mountains. The arrival of a white dragon threatens to destroy all that they’ve worked to rebuild.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

In Fo