S0E19 - Rendez-vous at the Lodge Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

S0E19 - Rendez-vous at the Lodge Report

General Summary

The party reunites, along with Xanth , just outside Falcon's Hunting Lodge. After some brief discussion, it is decided that Verity's skeletal horse may be off-putting to some and so he leaves his steed lashed to a tree.   Sarwynn and Tyran, as is usual, perform some aerial surveillance and then the party crosses the bridge and ring the bell at the gate. Minutes (long ones) later, an elderly voice greets them through the gate and they are granted entry. Their welcoming party introduces himself as Corwin, the cook here at the lodge. He leads the companions to guest lodgings where they are able to relieve themselves of any of their heavier burdens and then takes them to the main building and dining hall to meet Falcon the Hunter.   Info presents Falcon with a bottle of fine wine that had been procured days earlier in Phandalin after hearing rumours that Falcon was known to express his gratitude for such a vintage. Sure enough, Info is given his own private quarters in the main building as a reward.   The party discusses their missions with Falcon (both the investigation of the Circle of Thunder as well as the Woodland Manse). Falcon is able to give directions to both, but turns down offers (requests?) to join the party. Everyone shares a meal with Falcon and conversation eventually turns to the many orc heads mounted on his walls. He offers that he has a special dislike for orcs and that he takes every opportunity he can to rid the world of their stench. He offers a pair of elven boots as an additional reward if the party eradicates the orc presence at the Woodland Manse.   After full bellies and a good night's sleep, the party leaves at dawn for the Circle of Thunder. After a couple of hours' travel, the party comes upon a sixty-foot-wide forest clearing, in the middle of which is a black, needle-like spire — a forty-foot-tall pine tree ravaged by fire long ago, its limbs burned off. Tied to the dead tree near its base are several ghastly dolls made of twigs bound with black hair. Info immediately feels uneasy, calling this bad joo-joo. Verity insists that they should investigate as ANY travelers could stumble across this. Info reluctantly agrees and edges closer, not wanting to come within reach of the dolls or the tree. Sarwynn assists by using Mage Hand to grab one of the dolls and shove it in front of Info. From here, Info can tell the thing is pulsating. He convinces the others now that they should not mess with these dolls or stray from their mission. Shuddering, they move on.   As they continue through the Neverwinter Wood, they crest a hill and see below a bridge that spans an offshoot of the river and leads to a twin of this hill on the other side...where they can see a party of orcs and a half-orc cresting it as well! The battle that ensues is bloody, but mostly for the orcs - who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with their javelins.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party picks up a bonus quest for the Woodland Manse from Falcon.

Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak
Report Date
12 Jan 2021
Primary Location
Falcon's Hunting Lodge
Secondary Location
Neverwinter Wood

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