S0E21 - To Grandmother's House We Go Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

S0E21 - To Grandmother's House We Go Report

General Summary

The party thoroughly investigates the hill and the three caves that have been dug into its sides. They find a few small trinkets within, along with some animals that had been held in captivity (Verity freed them all, despite the temptation for bacon) and then our heroes decide rest and depart in the morning for the Woodland Manse.   Info continues to prove himself an excellent guide in these magical woods, as he delivers the party to the Woodland Manse without incident. They come to a foggy clearing, in the midst of which stands a crumbling two-story manse all but hidden beneath thorny ivy. The large house is set atop a six-foot-high stone foundation, and the main entrance has a balcony above it. Pumpkins grow wild in patches around the manse, with several wild boars feeding among them. The boars snort with contempt as you draw near.   After careful scouting by Sarwynn, Tyran, and Kolja, the group decides to try the one alternative entrance to the front door that is found - a rotted out back door along the north side of the building. Entering, they find the remains of kitchen which had likely seen better days before the door and part of the roof collapsed. Other than that, the room holds little interest so they continue through to the next.   This room appears to have been a dining room, but it too has fallen into disrepair. Along the south wall is a large fireplace with a wooden mantle above it. Atop the mantle are sitting 4 twig dolls. Upon closer inspection it becomes obvious that, though crude, these dolls bare an uncanny resemblance to our heroes! "Bad joo-joo!" Info proclaims.   This time around, Verity wins the argument over whether or not to do something about the dolls. He reaches up and grabs "his" doll and as soon as he lays a hand on it, the dolls all spring to life and attack!   Everyone ends up paired against their twiggy double, but the party makes short work of the strange twig creatures.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party progresses the Woodland Manse quest.

Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak
Report Date
12 Jan 2021
Primary Location
Neverwinter Wood
Secondary Location
Woodland Manse

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