S0E20 - Circle K Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

S0E20 - Circle K Report

General Summary

The party searches the bodies of the orcs but find nothing of value. They continue unobstructed to the Circle of Thunder.  

Ominous storm clouds gather in the sky as the party approaches a ninety-foot-tall hill with trees spreading across its slopes. Atop the hill is a large ring of standing stones. Two ghastly figures dance within this henge, surrounded by a number of smaller capering creatures.
Sarwynn and Tyran scout the area, cautiously so as to avoid detection. They report that there are entrances in the side of the hill at several locations and that the creatures on the hill are the only ones in sight. The party decides that their best bet is to surprise the creatures and attack from all sides, so they split up and sneak to various locations surrounding the hill.   Springing their ambush, our heroes manage to win the battle - but the war is not over. As soon as the last of the ghastly figures (half-orc spellcasters draped in the corpses of wild boars as they were hooded cloaks) falls, there is a huge bolt of lightning that strikes the center of the stone monoliths. When their eyes adjust from the sudden flash there is a giant boar of elemental lightning standing in their midst. The beast's attacks are charged with lightning, but the party is able to win this battle as well.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party completed the Circle of Thunder quest.

Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak
Report Date
12 Jan 2021
Primary Location
Circle of Thunder
Secondary Location
Neverwinter Wood

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