S0E11 - Orcs are Dorks (concluded) Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

S0E11 - Orcs are Dorks (concluded) Report

General Summary

The party searches the house, in the office a bag of 65 gold, 145 silver and 220 copper and Verity grabs the ranch's business ledger as proof that they visited. Kolja finds a Three Dragon Ante gaming set and Sarwynn grabs a butter skull. Then they trek to Phandalin commences. The party turns in two of the quests and claims the 200 gold in payment. Some new quests are on the board, and the party hears a new rumor:  

“West of Phandalin, on the coast, is an old stone lighthouse. Ships are drawn to this gleaming tower like moths to a flame, and are doomed to crash upon its rocks. Their wrecks must be filled with treasure!”
  One of the quests piques Verity's curiosity as it is for a legendary sword said to aid against dragons. Lady Tanamere Alagondar is said to have killed the ancient green dragon Azdraka and was buried in the barrow along with the remains of the dragon. Verity really wants to go get this sword!   The party decides to leave for the south, heading to the Dwarven Excavation.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party completed the Butterskull Ranch quest and picked up the Tower of Storms side quest.

Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak
Report Date
11 Jan 2021
Primary Location
Butterskull Ranch
Secondary Location

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