CKM C1E1 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

CKM C1E1 Report

General Summary

Jayce arrived at Candlekeep on a sunny morning in the late summer of 1492 DR. The lineup of would-be Seekers already snaked its way well down the Way of the Lion. He waited, patiently, for hours until it was finally his turn. One of the Avowed greeted him, asked his business, and (more pointedly) what he had brought for his admission fee.   Proffering a leather bound tome, Jayce explained "This tome is offered by my church and represents a treatise on the nature of the planes of existence and travel between them." The Avowed's eyebrow crawled its way up towards his bald pate. He began to flip through the book, stopping his flipping of pages almost immediately as he came across a detailed map of a totally unfamiliar land. "What is your name? Who do you represent? What god do you follow?" he asked in quick succession.   "I am named Jayce , and I hail from a world not unlike your own; but from another plane of existence. I worship a god who is not known here on your world, but whose domain is knowledge; much as your Oghma."   The Avowed's other eyebrow joined the first. He quickly called over a runner and sent them scurrying into the keep. "Please, wait a little longer while we confer with our senior members. While you wait, I will have someone explain to you the protections and rules in place here at Candlekeep.   With that he turned, still in possession of the book, and began to confer with the other four Avowed as they huddled around it and bowed their heads. Every once in a while one would point towards Jayce , or lift their head to stare at him before ducking back down into the huddle.   While he awaited the return of the runner, Jayce was led aside by another of the Avowed who ran him through the rules and protections of Candlekeep. Shortly after they were done, all heads turned in surprise to see the First Reader approaching with the runner in tow. Hushed voices whispered at the fact that the First Reader never comes to admit would-be Seekers personally.   The First Reader and Jayce exchanged words for a time, discussing the tome on inter-planar travel that Jayce had brought, as well as a theory Jayce had about the multi-planar nature of the beings that manifested as gods. The First Reader was intrigued and impressed at this theory and immediately suggested that Jayce confer with Great Reader A'lai Aivenmore who specialized in divinity, gods, and the nature of the divine.   With that, Jayce was admitted, and his tome brought in by an Avowed to be added to the collection. He was assigned an Adjutant, Sprig Summerfoot, to guide him and orient him to Candlekeep. The small Halfling gave him a tour of the main courtyard, called the Court of Air, and the locations contained therein, before Jayce decided to first seek out the Bath and Steamhouse followed by seeking lodging and then food/entertainment.

Candlekeep Mysteries
Report Date
09 Apr 2021

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