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Candlekeep Mysteries

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Faerûn
April 8, 2021 April 27, 2023 | Full


  • Candlekeep
    Standing atop a rocky crag overlooking the Sea of Swords, the massive citadel of Candlekeep has endured the elements for centuries and defied the degradations of time.
  • The Sword Coast
    The Sword Coast, not to be confused with the Sword Coast North, was the region in western Faerûn that lay along the coast of the Sea of Swords[1] and extended inward into to the vale. It was bordered by the Delimbiyr Vale in the North,[3] and to the south by the merchant nation of Amn.   Some say the Sword Coast took its name from the white cliffs that rose up sharply for hundreds of miles along the coastline between the River Dessarin and Baldur's Gate. Traveling author Volothamp Geddarm attributed the region's name to its dangerous inhabitants, both humanoid and bestial.
Supporting Cast
  • Great Reader A'lai Aivenmore
    A @Great Reader(title) of @[Candlekeep](settlement:fb5d46ae-160c-417a-84b1-45e77d56a614) and worshiper of @Oghma(npc), she specializes in divinity (the gods and the nature of the divine).
  • Adjutant Fembris Larlancer
    Fembris, a human teen, is a member of the Avowed and an Adjutant at Candlekeep. He is obnoxious in his eagerness to please.
  • Little One
    Little One is an odd fixture at Candlekeep - an Ogre!
  • Ajutant Vooshadi Moonriver
    A stoic 87-year-old moon elf scribe who is difficult to anger and doesn’t mince words

Scheduled Sessions

Wed 14th September 2022 21:00

CM: C14E3 - Valin Sarnaster

Sessions Archive

7th Sep 2022

CM: C14E2 - The All-Seeing Orb

Having hastily prepared themselves, our heroes head to the Temple of the All-Seeing Orb in search of the sage Mayastan Sadaar, as well as answers to why their names appear in the list of "Willing Sacrifices" at the back of The Canopic Being.

24th Aug 2022

CM: C14E1 - The Canopic Beig

17th Aug 2022

CM: C13E4 - The Mortal Lotus (Concluded)

Our heroes complete their infiltration and eradication of the Temple of the Immortal Lotus.

10th Aug 2022

CM: C13E3 - The Mortal Lotus

Having found the hideout of the Immortal Lotus, our heroes have fallen (literally) into a front door ninja approach of eliminating this threat.

3rd Aug 2022

CM: C13E2 - The Immortal Lotus

20th Jul 2022

CM: C13E1 - The Book of Inner Alchemy

After a harrowing encounter with a beholder inside of the pocket dimension that imprisoned the harper, Arrant Quill, our heroes return to their studies until coming across an interesting tome...

6th Jul 2022

CM: C12E3 - Renekor and ... Quill?

Having run afoul of Quill's houseguest, Renekor the beholder, the party is in a fight for their lives and Quill is nowhere to be seen!

29th Jun 2022

CM: C12E2 - Strangers in a strange land

Having been hired by the Harpers to enter into a demiplanar prison and cure one of their own, the Planeswalkers have arrived to find a quaint little town nestled amid a dense forest. Having first headed towards the town square/market, they begin their search for Arrant Quill.

22nd Jun 2022

CM: C12E1 - The Curious Tale of Wysteria Vale

Having defeated Zikran, the Planeswalkers return to Candlekeep to refocus on their research. However, as word of the varied exploits begins to spread across the Sword Coast, its not long before someone comes to the great library seeking their aid.

15th Jun 2022

CM: C11E6 - Zikran

Having finally caught up with the wizard, Zikran, it seems negotiation isn't an option and our heroes are fighting for their lives, and the freedom of the djinni, Gazre-Azam.

Read the Report
1st Jun 2022

CM: C11E5 - Cloud Giant Keep (Continued)

Our heroes ascended the Cloud Peaks and discovered the ancient ruin of a cloud giant fortress nestled in a large hollow. After exploring the majority of the upper floors, and encountering a number of passive ghosts of long dead cloud giants, they stubled upon an armory and found some magical items that might be of use to them ahead. However, just as they went to remove the items from the chest that held them, the as-yet passive ghost in the armory turned hostile and began to attack these looters.

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25th May 2022

CM: C11E4 - Cloud Giant Keep

Our heroes have trekked two days up the mountains of the Cloud Peaks in search of the Cloud Giant Keep. Fighting bitter cold, thin atmosphere, flying kobolds, and an abominable yeti, they have survived it all and look to continue on upwards.

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18th May 2022

CM: C11E3 - The Cloud Peaks

Our heroes have made their way to Nashkel following the clues to Zikran's whereabouts that they found in his abandoned laboratory. Now they must begin their trek into the mountains in search of an ancient cloud giant keep that they believe he headed to after leaving his lab.

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11th May 2022

CM: C11E2 - Zikran's Seaside Laboratory

Having just caught sight of the spire that Gazre-Azam said would be offshore from the location of the cave that housed Zikran's lab, the party had to head inland to avoid a roving pack of wyverns. Having averted that danger, they now head back towards the spire, the cave, Zikran's lab, and Gazre-Azam's freedom.

Read the Report
4th May 2022

CM: C11E1 - The Skitterwidget Situation

What mysteries does Candlekeep have in store for our heroes next? Will they be overrun by skitterwidgets? Stay tuned to find out!

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27th Apr 2022

CM: C10E4 - Blastoff! (Conclusion)

Only a minute has passed of the final 10 minute countdown to blastoff. Now our heroes have an idea of WHERE they need to go to stop the launch, but they still need to get there and determine HOW to stop the launch.

Read the Report
20th Apr 2022

CM: C10E3 - Blastoff!

In a race against time our party must foil (or aid?) the launch of the rocket ship built within the Barn Door tower of the Inner Ward of Candlekeep.

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6th May 2021

CKM C1E4: Fistandaun....Fistandia's Mansion

Our party stumbled upon Fistandia's permanent Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion and became trapped inside. They are now searching for books that contain clues to the command word to open the portal back to Candlekeep.

29th Apr 2021

CKM C1E3: Settling Inn

Our heroes have settled in at the House of Rest and are about to begin their tenure at Candlekeep. What mysteries will they unearth in their studies?

Read the Report
22nd Apr 2021

CKM C1E2: Three's company

Two additional Seekers arrive at Candlekeep...

Read the Report
8th Apr 2021


Jayce, knowledge-seeker of the planes, arrives at Candlekeep and gains admittance.

Read the Report
Standing atop a rocky crag overlooking the Sea of Swords, the massive citadel of Candlekeep has endured the elements for centuries and defied the degradations of time.   Aspiring Seekers of knowledge, recently arrived, will unearth the knowledge (and mysteries) of the ages...

This story is told by

The Protagonists




Toby De Term'nd