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Dork Night Vampire the Masquerade Campaign

A World of Darkness 5th Edition (Paradox) game In the world of Dork Night World of Darkness
September 10, 2019 | Full
Supporting Cast
  • Adolf Faust
    Appears in early 30s, light skin, light brown hair. Impeccably dressed in custom suits.
  • Ajari Ando
    Ajari Ando is a serene looking Japanese man in his mid-forties. He is fit, as one would expect of a Buddhist monk, and always has a calm exterior and has a palpable radiance of power.
  • Bishop Nicolaus Bourbaki
    Tall and dressed in crimson robes and a cloak, his face ash grey and black under a sheer veil. Bishop Nico is an imposing figure.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Ben Cooper