The God Forsaken Land

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Etharis By HimThat0therGuyy
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  • Etheris
Supporting Cast
  • "Master " Mysteries Ostoyan Noble
    A mysterious Ostoyan noble whom the party met in Beckton while The Great Beast had control over the city. He was "friendly" to the party, but asked them to leave before the "host" found out about it. And weirdly he spoke in Lower Ostoy rather than Higher Ostoy like most nobles
  • Carpenter's assistant Aaron Gibson
    Aaron is a human man in his early 20s and he works as a carpenter's assistant He told the party that he wished to leave the city with his family because of his fear of something called The Great Beast
  • Innkeeper Astrid Barrett
    Astrid a human in her late 30 and she is the owner of a lower-mid inn The Warm Place in Beckton
  • Benedict Farewell
    A man in his late 50 with black hair with some gray in it, and a full-bearded face. There are some faint markings on his skin of runes. He is wearing a traveling cloak and old fine cloth underneath
  • Baker Betsy Price
    Betsy is a human woman in her late 30s, her family was attacked by the Human with dogs on 7/3/157G But was saved by the party, but sadly lost her youngest son
  • Delus Sun Elf (from the Carnival in Beckton)
    Delus is a happy tall Sun Elf who is thin, fair hair that goes down to the middle of their back and colorful clothes with baggy pants
  • Dilus Sun Elf (from the Carnival in Beckton)
    Dilus is a happy tall Sun Elf who is thin, fair hair that goes down to the middle of their back and colorful clothes with baggy pants
  • Eden Butler Head mage in backton
    A young magic student from Backton
  • Innkeeper Eldan Quare
    Eldan is a Wood Elf that works in the inn The Lazy Drake in Beckton
  • Priest of Empyreus Lawrence Ball
    A preacher and priest of the church of Maligant in Beckton, serving Empyreus Arch Seraph of Valor and preacher on the street
  • Maxwell Roberts Bottrant
    The youngest son of the lord of Beckton
  • Nirsis Moon Elf (from the Carnival in Beckton)
    Nirsis is an angry tall Moon Elf man with a strong build and short completely white hair. and wears a fine purple suit
  • Head advisor of Beckton Roman Griffiths
    The Head advisor of the noble Bottrant Family in Beckton in the The Bürach Empire Currently also responsible for the mercenaries that help the city
  • Sienna Wood Elf (from the Carnival in Beckton)
    Sienna is a female Wood Elf som er lav og tynd med sort hår. Hun går klædt i meget elegant og visnede tøj
  • Sir Orion Dinan of Beckton
    A knight of Beckton that works with Roman He is in his mid 30, he I a bit taller than normal, with blond hair and a beard
  • Sir Wilfred Campbell
    Is a Knight in dirty armor who killed the Dhampir named Eveline and kidnapped a plaque doctor

Sessions Archive

1st Apr 2023

Session 5

11th Mar 2023

Session 4:

With the party barely missing the attack's orchestrator, and with the new clues they have. no one can tell where they go from here

Read the Report
28th Jan 2023

Session 3: Man Hunt

On the Hunt for a Noble

7th Jan 2023

Session 2: Following the leads

The small group of misfits has performed its first service to the city and saved a life. But they are not sure if this will stop the killings, so to move on they will have to follow the leads.... or leave the people of Beckton in fear

17th Dec 2022

Session 1: Nobodys

You have all heard the rumors that the Lord of the city Beckton in Unterland is looking for people with unique skills to handle the problems his guards can't handle alone. You have met with one of his advisors who told you that they will be paying 1 silver a day well being in his service, plus additional for dangerous tasks. He told you to meet him outside his office tomorrow just after sunset

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Downcast (Clergy - Inquisitor)
Blood Hunter 3
22 / 22 HP

Alexandra Hawthorn

Sorcerer 4
26 / 26 HP

Eveline Maniu


Kjárr Helfsson

Test Test

Xander Wisperwood