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The Charneault Kingdom

To the uninitiated, the nation beyond the enchanted forest called the Grove Maze seems like a promised land of magic, fairy tales, and unbounded natural beauty. Here, the Spirits of Nature can still walk in physical form and communicate with mortals. Yet darkness and corruption now grows in the Charneault Kingdom, driven by the lingering enmity between elves and men.   The Charneault Kingdom covers a vast expanse of land in the southwestern portion of Etharis. Its name comes from the elvish Caer Neiada, which means “land of a thousand rivers.” The Kingdom stretches from the Grove Maze in the northeast to the Thousand Rivers to the south. The Rock-Teeth Mountains form a barrier against the Bürach Empire in the north.   The Charneault Kingdom began with much promise. King Aymeric Noblecouer ended a generation-spanning war between humans and elves and brought peace across the Thousand Rivers. Aymeric forged the Pact of the Sacred Lands, which hinged on two special tasks. The king would bring his first daughter to the enchanted Temple of Mists, where she would learn the ways of the shamans and help keep the balance with nature. The humans would maintain order across the land through the establishment of Knight Chapters, organizations founded on honor, virtue, and a vow to vanquish evil. With this agreement in place, both sides lived in peace and prosperity. That is, until the severed elves’ curse.  


  The Charneault Kingdom is a beautiful land nested between mountain, forest, and sea. To the northeast, a network of hills and groves called the Grove Maze cuts the kingdom off from the rest of Etharis and in particular, the Bürach. To the northwest lies the base of the Rockteeth Mountains sheltering the huge Elven city of Tol Leyemil. The kingdom’s southwest is dominated by the rocky ocean coast, inhabiting the Waterteeth, a dangerous chain of misty swamps and islands.   The wind mainly blows from the sea, driving clouds along the rivers to the north, where they hit the Rockteeth and the Grove Maze. There they fall as torrential rains, feeding the many springs and streams that flow back down towards the centre of the region.  

The Human Kingdom

  The Charneault Kingdom came into prominence with the founding of the Pact of the Sacred Land. The peace it forged between humans and elves opened the doors to prosperity. Tall castles appeared among the many branching rivers of the land, the greatest of which is Castle Lamesdhonneur, seat of government and residence of the current king, Thibault de Sauveterre.   The Kingdom’s economy thrives on fishing and agriculture. Being a floodplain, crops thrive on the rich soil of Charneault. While fish is plentiful, hunting is limited to appease the spirits of nature. The kingdom also trades with the elves for ore from the Rock-Teeth Mountains.   Charneault is known as the Kingdom of Knights. Several famous Knight Chapters have arisen in this kingdom, and they hold great power, as kings are chosen from the masters of these organizations.   One of the most influential Chapters currently is the Knights of the Severe Templar. A highly militarized organization that promotes law and order, they grew in power when the severed elves corrupted the Dark Mist and brought misery to the land. They have since openly condemned the elven nation, abhorred mystic oaths and bonds with nature, and pushed for a return to war with the elves. Rumors abound that their Chapter master, Hermand le Severe, plots to take over rulership of the land.   On the opposite end of the spectrum lie the Vermiel Guards, whose members swore a sacred duty to the elven shamans and help them maintain peace with the nature spirits. Those who join must whole-heartedly believe in the union between elves, humans, and nature, and be true to the Sacred Pact. As such, only the most virtuous and devoted of knights are allowed into the Chapter. In return, these knights gain extraordinary powers from their shaman counterparts.   All the Chapters welcome new applications into their organization, but becoming a knight of Charneault is no easy feat. As a squire, one must don weapons and armor and go on a quest. They carry a blank shield until they have performed an act of bravery. Only then may they wear a coat of arms signifying their deed. And if a knight should prove their prowess and bravery well enough, they may be invited to join the Royal Council and directly serve the king.   As of now, King Thibault is preoccupied with searching for heroes powerful and knowledgeable enough to rescue his daughter Tiphane and Ser Guilhem from the Dark Mists.

Trade & Transport

The Charneault Kingdom’s economy relies heavily on agriculture and fishing. Hunting is limited by the great turmoil it provokes among the Spirits of Nature. Fishing, meanwhile, can be focused on intensively thanks to the many streams that weave their way through the kingdom. The Rockteeth mountains also house several mines that supply the kingdom’s craftsmen, including the elven artisans of Tol Leyemil.   Exchange between the Charneault Kingdom and the outer world becomes less and less each year, as the Grove Maze is a barrier not worth crossing unless there is considerable profit to be had. The days when elves regularly travelled between Caer Neiada and other parts of Etharis are long gone and all but forgotten, and nowadays the Charneault Kingdom is almost an autarky.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Armile (roughly 1 gold crown)
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Culture is inspired by Medieval France

Allies Against Common Enemies, Trading Pact

Non-aggressive pact

Neutral, Closed borders

No one from The City state of Liesech is allowed to enter The Charneault Kingdom

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