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Session 1 - Neverwinter

General Summary

The party meets up at the Yawning Pike to answer the job advertisement from the jobs board.   Lightning flashes in the sky overhead. The only good thing about the pouring rain is that it tends to wash some of the dead fish smell off the wharfs. Speaking of which, ocean waves crash against the docks and the rocks of the shore in the distance. You look up the steps at the leaking, darkened porch of the Yawning Pike. You’d almost think it was closed except for the flow of drunken sailors spilling out of the entrance.   The red-bearded dwarf introduces himself as Gundren Rockseeker and his body guard Sildar Winterhall. He shoves a mostly empty bowl of once hot steamed clams towards you. You notice a sandy haired waitress carrying a large bowl of fresh steaming clams to another table but you look back at your bowl and there is four maybe five cold clams sitting half submerged in briny murky water. The dwarf has a nice pile of them on his plate and occasionally cracks one open and slurps the succulent meat from within while sending shards of shell in all directions.   He asks you to go around the table and introduce yourselves. He balks when the half-orc pulls his hood back revealing his true nature. “I am Graknott.” The dwarf immediately balks and then dismisses him. “Bah! Begone with the likes of you!” Gundren says. “We’ve no need of ye! Off with ya then!” Gracknott growls, “Racist Dwarf! Don’t wish to work for the likes of you! I hope you get what’s coming to you.”   Rake Dragonslayer quickly fills the empty seat with the Half-elf bartender yelling at him to pay for the ordered drink.   Gundren tells them the job is to escort a wagonload of mining supplies to Barthen’s Provisions in Phandalin, a rough and tumble border town south of Neverwinter. “The Cart will be found the next morning at the Tarmalune Trade House here in the Docks Ward. You’ll guide it through the city to the southern gate.” Gundren and Winterhall will leave on horses ahead of the party. He needs to arrive quickly to “take care of some business.” If they successfully deliver the goods, they will each receive 10gp.   Jinx, A lively blue skinned tiefling, comes up to Rainar. “Hi! Would you like to play some cards with me?” Rainar shrugs and acquiesces. She beats him soundly at Three Dragon Ante and takes his silver. "That was fun! Do you know the Traveler?"   The next morning the party picks up the cart and oxen at the Tarmalune Trade House.   There is a line at the South Gate for a caravan to exit the city. Gundren and Sildar can be seen on reddish brown horses waiting for the gates to open. He bids the party a good journey and will see them in Phandalin. One of the oxen takes a massive shit on the road.   As they travel east on the Triboar Trail the next day, they come to a stop as they spot two dead horses blocking the road. A lone goblin is standing on one of the horses cutting a slab of horse meat and slipping it into his black leather satchel. He has a white skull emblem on his chest. “Hullo mates. This ain’t wat it looks like. I ani’t affiliated with them Cragmaw blokes.” He turns, leaps off the dead horse and runs off up the road.   The party is ambushed on the Triboar Trail by Cragmaw goblins.

Missions/Quests Completed

Picked up a wagon to deliver to Barthen's Provisions for money. ( 10gp I think )

Created Content


Best Campaign Evar

Rake Dragonslayer

Level 6 Dwarf CG Barbarian
(Folk Hero)
15 / 77 HP

Jowynn Thri

Level 2 Elf CN Rogue
(Criminal )
/ 15 HP
Report Date
06 Sep 2019

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