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Rake Dragonslayer

Level 6 Dwarf CG Barbarian
(Folk Hero)
15 / 77 HP

Cocky Dwarf barbarian from the Spine of the World. Hasn’t met a problem he didn’t try to punch his way out of.

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Other characters
4th of Tarsakh, 1485

The Goblin Cave

by Rake Dragonslayer

In the morning we come up with a plan to use a part of the wagon as a makeshift barrier, using it to approach the goblin cave.
On our way up, there’s a goblin sentry at the blind. So we roll up on the sentry, Jowynn sneaking ahead to keep him from running to the others. We easily kill him and move on to the main cave.
Only a single goblin is guarding the bridge this time, and Jowynn nails him on the first try. We continue on up.
Jowynn tries to sneak up, but is spotted. We are in yet another goblin fight (yagf). Daggers, Arrows, Fire, Hammers! AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!!!
After defeating those few goblins, we move up, sending Jowynn again to sneak ahead. She finds what looks like the Goblin Kitchen.
We move up and surprise the goblins. YAGF.
Sildar is with them and they are threatening to kill him if we don’t parley. The new guy, Exil, puts a bunch to sleep with a spell and a crazy melee ensues.
After saving Sildar, we find out there is a mysterious figure known only as the Black Spyder requested that Gundrenn be brought to him. Apparently the hapless Gundrenn had a map to a long lost mine Echo Cave. The mine contained great magic, and there is located there a great magical forge for creating magic items. An orc horde swept through, and the location has been lost for centuries.
The dwarf was taken to Cragmaw Castle.
Cullen tells us that goblins had taken over the castle, and they desecrated a shrine to Chauntea near the castle.
We need to finish clearing out this cave, so we back track to go down a previous passage.
We finally found Klarg, a bugbear, with a wolf and a goblin. After a short battle, in which two of the party are knocked unconscious we finally defeat them. Searching the cave, we find Exil’s missing stuff, and a treasure chest with Klarg’s loot.

Rake's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Rumor
    1st of Tarsakh
  2. Off We Go
    2nd of Tarsakh
  3. On the Road to Phandalin
    3rd of Tarsakh
  4. The Goblin Cave
    4th of Tarsakh, 1485

The major events and journals in Rake's history, from the beginning to today.

SKT - 17 The Ice Spire Mountains

01:41 am - 15.03.2021

Session 1

07:49 pm - 13.03.2021

Session 1

02:14 am - 27.01.2021

SKT - 17 The Ice Spire Mountains

01:14 pm - 03.04.2020

Session 2

09:07 pm - 14.09.2019

The Goblin Cave

# 4th of Tarsakh, 1485 In the morning we come up with a plan to use a part of the wagon as a makeshift barrier, using it to approach the goblin cave. On our way up, there’s a goblin sentry at the blind. So we roll up on the sentry, Jowynn sneaking a...

04:34 am - 14.09.2019

I think we can take these Goblins.

01:01 am - 14.09.2019

Session 2

12:51 am - 14.09.2019

Session 2

12:50 am - 14.09.2019

Session 1

07:23 pm - 13.09.2019

Session 1

03:04 am - 13.09.2019

On the Road to Phandalin

The next morning, we break fast and get ready to move on. We reach the Triboar Trail early in the afternoon and begin the final leg to Phandalin. While passing along the trail through the southern bit of Neverwinter Wood, we come upon two dead horses b...

04:28 am - 07.09.2019

Off We Go

We show up to the Tradehouse in order to get the wagon or whatever....

02:06 am - 07.09.2019


Heard a rumor in the local tavern by the docks: The ruins of Thundertree are haunted by ash zombies, and rumor has it a dragon has made its lair in the Old Tower, but those are problems a hero can solve. Slay the dragon, or drive it off, and you’ll p...

12:36 am - 07.09.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Rake.

Played by

Other Characters by darelf