Phandalan Report - The long first night

General Summary

After defeating the Bugbear Klarg and his goblin contingent the party was able to recover and restore Sildar and ransacking the hideout. Sildar explained that within a day of being captures a goblin with glowing green eyes and two bugbears, and he overheard the name Cragmaw Castle and "the Spider" was used in the conversation when they took Gundren and his pack with them. Sildar then joined the party in continuing on to Phandalin.   in the Hideout the party found a chest with 1700cp, 150 sp, two Red Potions (commonly healing), and a ornate statuete made of jade with golden orbs for eyes (40gp). Expoling other parts of the hideout they also recovered 21 cp, 10 gp, and aother Red Potion. the wepons and armor of the fallen are of little value other than a Spiked Greatclub weilded by Klarg (2d8 piercing damage) Additionally there were many recently aquired boxes of goods with varius mundane items and smithing raw materials with a symbol stamped on them, too large and heavy to carry at that time.   Upon arrival to Phandalin the party arriving at sunset was able to deliever the Cart of supplies within time to achieve the bonus payment of 200GP, Elmar Baratheon lets them know he cannot unload the cart tonight but asks them to place it at the rear of the shop and they can complete the accounting in the morning,the party proceeded to ask about the location of Cragmaw Castle, the Spider Elmar is forthcoming and answers the party questions revealing that the Redbrands are trouble and they should not interfear with them, party determines their first course of action should be the redbrands. Sildar mentions that he must rest and recover from the ordeal and lets the party know he stays at the Stonehill inn and they should rest there as well. The party looking to save on coin informs them of the Sleeping giant inn, which is much less desirable on account of the Redbrands and mentions that Mistress Aderleaf often allows passers through to exchange farm work for sheltering in her Barn.   The party makes a brief stop at the Stonehill inn for food and a brief information gathering, Sildar has already retired for the evening upon their arrival, Toblen Stonehill is unaware of the Cragmaw castle or the Spider, but confirms that a amn was recently Murdered and at about the same time his wife and son went missing, as well as the redbrands being troublesome lot to most of the merchants in town and getting bolder because of some mastermind they call Glasstaff being in charge. Also learning that the Townmaster has maps and records of the area to possibly locate this Castle.   The party then Proceeds to Sleeping giant in at the early evening hours meeting with a woman mercenary wearing red cloak and chainmail they ask questions about the spider and insuate redbrands deal in slavery which she takes offense to, see the odds being stacked greater than 2 to 1 and at least some of the Redbrands carry themselve with air of danger the party chooses to leave before the night gets ugly, the female leader warns the party that they should leave, they can get a good nights rest but better be on there on the morrow.   The party then proceeds to the townmaster house letting him know they intend to find cragmaw castle and need to inspect his MAps, as they also offer to investigate the murder and missing persons he agrees and takes them to the Townmaster hall where they ask more questions and review the maps, the maps reveal the locations of Thundertree (old town now in ruins, much like Phandalan until recently) and Old Owl Well a ruined watchpost along the Grethal River. Harbin wester confirms the redbrands have been getting more bold as of late and he clearly is afraid to take action, he also lets the party know that one of the oldest members of phandalan is the orchard keeper Daran Edermath who was once and adventurer as well, possibly he would know of the location of Cragmaw Castle.   The party then proceeds to edge of town where the Orchard is, awakening Daran the party the party questions Daran about the murder and location of Cragmaw castle, he explains that body of the man was found just outside of town on the north side along the Triboar trail and that the Wife and child often work for Mistress Aderleaf helping with various tasks on the farm in exchange for vegetables and herbs, he is unaware of Cragmaw Castle and mentions there has been recent rumors of strange noises from Old Owl Well, a favored fishing spot of his and would reward them if they could investigate. He then escorts the party to meet with Mistress Aderleaf at the late hour so as not to startle her.   At Mistress Aderleaf's they learn that there is a Druid who often stays at Thundertree who is much older and knows much of the history of the areas around Phandalan, maybe she could help. Regarding the missing woman and child she was aware they had cone picking berries that morning in the opposite direction of where the husbands body had been found, as Daran has made the introduction and Mistres Aderleaf sees their willingness to help the party secures a long rest inside the Barn.   In the Morning they meet Karp Aderleaf, a young halfling boy exicted about meeting adventurers and he mentions he seen the Redbrands coming and going through a cave under the Tresendan Manor. He heard from Pip, the innkeepers son that Old Owl Well is haunted and the Ghosts got restless. And everyone knows not to get the way of the Redbrands they are up to no good, but the townmaster he's afraid of them.

Rewards Granted

Xp for Roleplay = 1500 xp

Velen to Phandelver and Backagain, a tale of odd fellows
Report Date
31 Jan 2024
Primary Location

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