Redbrands Report

General Summary

the Fairy Yrvis, the no name fairy "hey Ju" and a Bear tie up the two living but unconsious Redbrands, upon which Hey Ju determines he must get a cart in order to transport the captives, he flys off alone to the abernath farm. Meanwhiole the druid turns to a bear and drags both of the redbrands away from town into a sheltered glen of the forest. Yrvis questions the female leader asking if she killed the townsman, she says she did not, he asks her if she killed the woman and children again and she says she did not, that she heard they had been off in the wilds picking berries or some such, probably ran into a monster or something. Yrvis then released them and returned to town to find Hey Ju, when they rejoined the party they went to investigate the site of the townsman's murder. discovering tracks that lead around the town and back to the redbrands lair beneath the ruins.    upon entering the Nothic was prepared for their return, upon seeing a stranger he attacked with his gaze attack, and combat quickly devoleved it a game of hide and seek, eventually overcoming the nothic the party began to search the cavern for hidden stash, during which one of the guards performing check discoved the nothic missing and called upon his two fellow redbrands to investigate, the party relatively quickly dispatch the three guards and set about dragging them into the pit, and completing the investigation of the Nothics stash.    As the party was preparing to move further the female redbrand leaders voice rung out that she was aware of their presence and the absence of three members of the Redbrands. trying to outmanuever the party two budbears rushed out and upon seeing a large brown bear attacked it.      To be Continued.....

Velen to Phandelver and Backagain, a tale of odd fellows
Report Date
27 Feb 2024

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