Session 12 - Aftermath Report

General Summary

Our heroes have sucessfully fled Morji prison, thanks to an AI with the name of Carl (short for C.A.R.L (short for Computer Analysis & Remote Logging)). After Armand Serrano attached Carl to the ship's system the strange new vessel took off, shaking of a Destroyer chasing them and to the asteroids surrounding Surha. The ship is scary, it's dark, nobody dares to investigate the ship on their own. Corridors are dark, the ship's hull is battered, our heroes feel this ship has dubious (former?) owners and a crazy history, for this ship is.... The Black Moth!  

There we are, together again, but on a strange ship and at the mercy of Carl. The ship needed repairs and Carl flew us to god knows where. In the meantime I was worried about how Jezebel was doing. She was all alone and didn't know when I would be back. Luckily I left her with enough food to last her about a week. Still a little bit week from the radiation poisoning and with sore muscles from all we had been through, I took a good look at the bridge from our ship. There were strange signs I couldn't read or understand. What kind of ship was this, where was it from and why was it abandoned?Khadyr Sabah
  Light is reflecting from the planet Surh onto the dark asteroids while the Black Moth is creeping towards rocks and dodging them and finally slowing down. What is in front of them is a totally black spot in space. When they get closer they see contours appearing of a space station that appears to be dead. Carl explains that this is a hidden Space station with the name Space station Sesame. What he didn't tell that it's actual name is Pirate Station Sesame! Hidden from the law enforcement behind a planet's shadow. A base of operations, repair dock, and living quarters to pirates, racketeers, and other alternatively lawful citizens. Black on black, Sesame station hides behind a planet to conceal itself from the prying eyes of lawmen.  
Carl flew us to an asteroid belt and suddenly out of nowhere we saw a black space station. It looked ominous and not very welcoming. Why was it so hidden? If Carl hadn't brought us here, we never would have found it. Carl assured us that this was the place were we could get the ship repaired. We tried to scan the space station to see if we could get some more information, but with no success. We only found out that de space station was called Sesame.   We docked at an airlock outside of the station. We entered the space station to see and our first stop was the workshop. We talked to a man called Aziz. He agreed to take a look at our ship to see what was wrong and how much it would cost us to get it all repaired. He told us that it would take him several hours so we had some time to check out this space station. Azis called a boy, who could show us around. He took us to the lower level and in the meantime told us that this station was only visited by those who knew of its existence. The station was run by a woman called Ataman. Because we were all very hungry, we first looked for a place to eat. After a good meal we continued our tour through the station. We visited the living quarters, where it was dark, messy and not very clean. There were all kind of people there. It didn't look like a normal space station. The boy then told us that this indeed was not a normal space station but a pirate station, everything made sense. The way it was hidden in the asteroid belt, it's dark color. Until now we were treated very friendly so we didn't worry to much. Everyone probably thought we were pirates also.Khadyr Sabah
  The young Saad Moghadan shows our heroes around. Saad knows everybody and everybody knows Saad. He enthousiasticly tells them everything about the Station's history. This abandoned scientific station has long ago become a pirate hub. During its mothballing, most of the gear and research equipment was removed. Rubble, dust, and trash from the deconstruction quickly filled the newly unoccupied space. Sometime later, the pirates came. They transformed the place to their liking: laconic signs became graffiti of varying degrees of artistic value; paintings of planets are now replaced by Vulcan pistol burns. Different kinds of people come here: some are hoping to get quick money, others seek to hide from the law, most simply have nowhere else to go.   The three decks were defined by function back in the station's functioning day — the top deck served as living quarters and workspaces for scientists; the middle deck consisted of docking modules, warehouses, and workshops; the bottom deck housed the reactor and the rest of the station's systems. The bottom deck was also a gateway to a spire filled with the station's measuring equipment.
Since the pirates took it over, the station's structure remained the same. The top deck still serves as living quarters, with a part of it transformed into a marketplace, along with “Harem” and a somewhat preserved command center. The workshops on the middle deck were repurposed to fix ships and weapons instead of high-end scientific gear. The bottom deck changed the least, since access here is reserved for technicians and the ataman*.  
Before going back to the workshop, Armand wanted to see if he could get some more information about the weapons he found on Morji. Het had some pictures with him, and showed them to an arms dealer. The man was very surprised when he saw a picture of the weapon. "Where did you get this weapon from" he asked. Armand gave some vague answer, because he didn't want to tell. This is a very special weapon. He offered to buy it from Armand for 15.000 Birr. That was quit a lot of money. Armand said he would think about it, and we went back to the workshop. There Aziz told us that he had a look at the ship and that she needed major repairs. He estimated the cost between 65.000 and 75.000 Birr. If we only did what was necessary to get the ship at least flying properly, it would cost us about 45.000 Birr. This was a great setback. we didn't expect. We had some money but not nearly enough to pay for the repairs. What could we do. Out of jail but now stuck on pirate station Sesame. One thing was clear to me, we had to get back to Surha soon to get Jezebel and all of our stuff from Shamus his scrap heap. So we needed this ship repaired. What were our options?   Because it was a long day and we were all very tired, we decided to get some sleep and see if we could come up with a plan in the morning. Khadyr Sabah
  Our misfits return to the Black Moth. Carl has gained more and more control of the ship and Armand, Khadyr and Shamus are now able to have a good look at this vessel.....

Pirate Station Sesame

This abandoned scientific station has long ago become a pirate hub. During its mothballing, most of the gear and research equipment was removed. Rubble, dust, and trash from the deconstruction quickly filled the newly unoccupied space. Sometime later, the pirates came. They transformed the place to their liking: laconic signs became graffiti of varying degrees of artistic value; paintings of planets are now replaced by Vulcan pistol burns. Different kinds of people come here: some are hoping to get quick money, others seek to hide from the law, most simply have nowhere else to go.  


“Seasame” quartermaster's stinginess is legendary. As is his honesty — he always sticks to his words. But honesty has nothing in common with fairness. You wouldn't want to get on his bad side — otherwise, kiss your fair share goodbye. Characteristics: tall and lean, calm, loves to recalculate every number.  

Saad Moghadan

The league of misfits

Shamus loaded

Name:shamus Loaded
Face:Cross eyed, dark heavy eye brows. Female cheak bones and a dimple when I smile. I have a mold under my left eye.
Clothing:Young sealskin coat, freshly bashed. Wellies and lederhosen.
Hit Points6/
Mind Points7/
Dexterity (Agility)1
Force (Strength)2
Infiltration (Agility)1
Observation (Wits)1
Ranged Combat (Agility)1
Culture (Empathy)1
Data Djinn (Wits)3
Technology (Wits)2
Targeting scope (CYB)
Gear Bonus
Moisture condenser -
Talisman -
Exquisite clothing -
Exo shell -
Targeting Scope (CYB) -
Accelerator Pistol -
Armor Rating Comment
shield - -


Khadyr Sabah

Name:Khadyr Sabah
Concept:Trailblazer - Prospector
Face:Dark short hair, little bit wild like it hasn't been combed for days. Green eyes. Weather beaten skin.
Clothing:Black leather pants. Tunic with belt.Leather boots. Leather coat with fur lining.
Hit Points5/5
Mind Points9/9
Infiltration (Agility)1
Manipulation (Empathy)1
Melee Combat (Strength)1
Observation (Wits)1
Ranged Combat (Agility)1
Command (Empathy)2
Medicurgy (Wits)1
Pilot (Agility)1
Science (Wits)1
Technology (Wits)1
Survivor (grouptalent)
The Dancers talents
Gear Bonus
Enviromental scanner (+2 survival) -
Communicator V -
5 m dose 5x (+1 Medicurgy) -
Exo shell (-2 dexterity -
Armor Rating Comment
Rugged +3 Exo Shell +2 - -


Armand Serrano

Name:Armand Serrano
Concept:Scientist - Archealogist
Face:Plump, Clean shaven, short hair
Clothing:Dockworker pants, Leather jacket, boots, Woolen sweater.
Hit Points7/7
Mind Points7/7
Force (Strength)1
Manipulation (Empathy)1
Observation (Wits)1
Survival (Wits)1
Culture (Empathy)1
Science (Wits)2
Technology (Wits)3
Xinghur: Resistant
Gear Bonus
Proximity Sensor -
Portable Lab -
Database -
Medkit -
Tools (Advanced) -
Armor Rating Comment
Shield - -

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Report Date
11 Apr 2022

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