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Shamus loaded
kicking sjoerd all day long

Name:shamus Loaded
Face:Cross eyed, dark heavy eye brows. Female cheak bones and a dimple when I smile. I have a mold under my left eye.
Clothing:Young sealskin coat, freshly bashed. Wellies and lederhosen.
Hit Points6/
Mind Points7/
Dexterity (Agility)1
Force (Strength)2
Infiltration (Agility)1
Observation (Wits)1
Ranged Combat (Agility)1
Culture (Empathy)1
Data Djinn (Wits)3
Technology (Wits)2
Targeting scope (CYB)
Gear Bonus
Moisture condenser -
Talisman -
Exquisite clothing -
Exo shell -
Targeting Scope (CYB) -
Accelerator Pistol -
Armor Rating Comment
shield - -


16th of Oginish

Campaign & Party

The League of Misfits

Shamus Khadyr Armand
Run by sjoerdbanga
Played by
Other characters
Thu 7th Apr 2022 06:25

About bloody time!

by Shamus loaded

Yes! Armand saves us. Max and Moritz, or whatever their names are, break us out of our cells.
We follow them as quickly as we can and as fast as my boots can carry me.
Blood runs through my eyes, my heart beats as if it is the 4th of Juli, Armand's birthday by the way.
We end up at some rusted small collection of wires, aluminum canvas and wood. But seemingly this is a sophisticated piece of machinery which can take us of this planet.
We take off and while we're flying, the AI tells us that it will take us to the mother ship. He will "save" us all....
When we arrive at the mothership, it tells us to link him up with the ship. We refuse and I personally think that this thing is as crazy as as as, the gamemaster.
Finally we give in as we don't want to die. We take off. Saved, but are we?

Shamus's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Footrub, Footrub, Footrub
    27 Apr 2021 04:57:45
  2. Pilot Smilot
    27 Apr 2021 04:58:17
  3. What a fucked up day
    27 Apr 2021 04:58:37
  4. Cold as Hell, but not my Frikadel!
    07 Apr 2022 05:12:07
  5. Wait! Wha!? Huh? Nooo.. Ehhh.....ehm
    07 Apr 2022 06:02:04
  6. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen Nobody knows my sorrow
    07 Apr 2022 06:17:34
  7. About bloody time!
    07 Apr 2022 06:25:15

The major events and journals in Shamus's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 18 - Aftermath

01:58 pm - 15.12.2022

Session 18 - Aftermath

01:58 pm - 15.12.2022

Session 17 - Dhaab 2

10:54 pm - 01.12.2022

Session 17 - Dhaab 2

10:54 pm - 01.12.2022

Session 16 - Total darkness

08:56 pm - 03.06.2022

Session 16 - Total darkness

06:01 pm - 03.06.2022

Session 15 - In the Mantella

09:20 pm - 26.05.2022

Session 15 - In the Mantella

06:34 pm - 26.05.2022

Session 14 - The Black Moth

08:25 pm - 14.05.2022

Session 14 - The Black Moth

12:46 pm - 14.05.2022

Sessie 13 - The Black Moth

11:36 am - 22.04.2022

Sessie 13 - The Black Moth

05:56 pm - 13.04.2022

Session 12 - Aftermath

08:04 pm - 11.04.2022

Session 12 - Aftermath

08:04 pm - 11.04.2022

About bloody time!

Yes! Armand saves us. Max and Moritz, or whatever their names are, break us out of our cells. We follow them as quickly as we can and as fast as my boots can carry me. Blood runs through my eyes, my heart beats as if it is the 4th of Juli, Armand's ...

06:25 pm - 07.04.2022

Nobody knows the trouble I've seen Nobody knows my sorrow

Oh my god! This was such an exiting day! We went to the amdin level. And then we got some food. And Then we met 7943. And then We asked him about 9725. And then Grise come over to us. He told us to behave. We could make points and m...

06:17 pm - 07.04.2022

Wait! Wha!? Huh? Nooo.. Ehhh.....ehm

We arrive at the prison, near building 8: vehicles. Niay tells us that she will go to building 7, the apotheker. Someone greets Niay, it's warden Voller. He informs her about an accident, involving Paul Hindin. An Elevator fell on him. She asks ...

06:02 pm - 07.04.2022

Cold as Hell, but not my Frikadel!

Today we're flying to Surha, in the KUA-system. When we arrive, Cadir finds a landingplace: the outpost Surhani. After we land the ship, it is taken into a hangar. We leave the cat behind, but take the environmental scanner with us. We follow th...

04:59 pm - 07.04.2022

Session 11 - Droids!

11:43 am - 02.04.2022

Session 11 - Droids!

11:43 am - 02.04.2022

Session 10 - Into the darkness

11:43 am - 02.04.2022

Session 10 - Into the darkness

11:43 am - 02.04.2022

Session 9 - Arrival on Morji

11:43 am - 02.04.2022

Session 9 - Arrival on Morji

11:43 am - 02.04.2022

Sessie 8b: Khadyr en Shamus

11:40 am - 02.04.2022

Sessie 8b: Khadyr en Shamus

11:40 am - 02.04.2022

Session 8a: Armand

03:14 pm - 22.12.2021

Session 8a: Armand

03:14 pm - 22.12.2021

Sessie 7b: Khadyr en Shamus

10:01 pm - 15.12.2021

Sessie 7b: Khadyr en Shamus

06:16 pm - 15.12.2021

Sessie 7a: Armand

06:16 pm - 15.12.2021

Sessie 7a: Armand

06:11 pm - 15.12.2021

Sessie 16: Mining Madness

07:22 pm - 27.04.2021

Sessie 16: Mining Madness

05:31 pm - 27.04.2021

Footrub, Footrub, Footrub

A few days ago we landed on spaceport Djachroum. The ship did a freefall until I got the brakes to work.Luckily, it's a big spaceport and I arrived where I had to be: the services area. That other dude, Jihan, ran off to his friends. No thank you, no g...

04:57 pm - 27.04.2021

Sessie 5: Back at Djachroum

04:53 pm - 23.04.2021

Sessie 5: Back at Djachroum

05:29 pm - 20.04.2021

Sessie 4: Station 18 is getting weirder and weirder

08:17 pm - 14.04.2021

Sessie 4: Station 18 is getting weirder and weirder

08:16 pm - 14.04.2021

Sessie 3: At Station 18

04:16 pm - 12.04.2021

Sessie 3: At Station 18

04:16 pm - 12.04.2021

Pilot Smilot

Well, that’s great! Finally, for the first time, I can try on my e…x…o.. suit! Guess what?! Too fuckin small! When I bought it three years ago, it was a perfect fit with even some room to spare. I warned her. Didn’t I warn her? “MOM”! Not on h...

08:24 pm - 21.03.2021

What a fucked up day

Dear Diary, Today was such a weird day. It started this morning. I left my room in a hurry. My left boot was making sucking noices and felt a bit damp. That was weird as I always leave them next to the heater in the toilet. It's the only place with ...

07:02 pm - 21.03.2021

Sessie 2: THe first adventure begins

06:25 pm - 17.03.2021

Sessie 2: THe first adventure begins

06:22 pm - 17.03.2021

Sietse moet naar de kapper

16th of Oginish

Sjoewd is een grote...

16th of Oginish


16th of Oginish


16th of Oginish


16th of Oginish

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Shamus.

Played by

Other Characters by Bongaloa