Session 1: Welcome to the Institute Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 1: Welcome to the Institute Report

General Summary

Class Z-1 were greeted to the grandeur of the Reign Institute by Cryptic and Kain before making their way to Z-House where they met with Zelan, Pranks ensued and solid dialogue. Zelan after waking up got the group all settled into their rooms Alec and Raiden in Block 1 Kiel and Coulson in Block 2 Cayde and John in Block 3 Nori in Block 4   After which Zelan took Z-1 to the Harrier Fields at the institute to play a game of Harrier to test their abilities, and actually won sparking a lot of interest and talk around the town about this group of first years. They ran into Milo before as he was looking to scout out what the first years could do. Milo invited them to the Wyvern's Wonder and they eventually made their way there. Milo, Rachel, Zora, Angel, Hulio, and Mitch all showed up to hang out and scout the first years and chatted with them. Milo had some news but isn't confident now as Xander showed up at the same time as Zelan at the same location. Zelan's cover is maintained stronger than ever now but Zora still thinks it's worth her time getting to Zelan to get closer to Xander.

Rewards Granted

Ice cream and 1 free piece of Furniture for each members room.

Missions/Quests Completed

Zelan and Zora are closer to being a couple Zora kissed Zelan.   They encountered Xander who put out a soft declaration of War against the Top 10 and learned that they are hot products for the upcoming Legionnaire Games.

Character(s) interacted with

Zelan- Met him he likes music and is their teacher fun-loving kind of guy whos a bit goofy.   Zora- A kind soul whos mysterious offering them protection and asking for their help to get with Zelan in a relationship   Xander- Showed up to protest whatever Milo was up too. (Need to explore why Xander was so pissed as his justification in my mind currently isn't satisfactory.)   Mitch- Offered a spot in the Manticores   Milo-Extended the invitation to hang with them

Created Content

Hover crafts come on these larger centrally automated machines that carry them through out and will deploy them to students and staff as needed when they put their hand up.

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