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Heroes Hope

A Mutants & Masterminds game In the world of Earth Anomalous Prime Earth
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Supporting Cast
  • Alan Whitmer
    Alan is a meticulous schemer working in the shadows both literally and figuratively. Alan is often found making plans for some new clout scheme and to his credit, it's been incredibly effective. He was brought on to the Gentiles by Kraynos for this very reason. Since then he's not really made any crazy move to gain more influence but there are whispers it's because he's working on his Master Stroke...
  • Angel Adams
    An Empathetic Party animal, coming in the number 7 spot in the top 10. Consistently found starting trouble or getting the other students into trouble. Party animal.
  • Asmodeus
    The Primordial Titan of Chaos and the killer of Gods.
  • Blaine Melphaine
    Handsome hot head with a heart of gold. Often finds himself in over his head but his friends are always by his side to help him out. His power allows him to shoot bolts of Flame and Fire out from his body. A member of Class S-3 And a member of the Penultimates group.
  • Bones
    Bones Nuff said
  • Professor Celion Haron
    An eccentric individual from a sheltered village deep within the bowels of Earth who worship the power of the Mystic Weave, the Human Mind, and the Natural element of Earth. Unique is an understatement. Very non-traditional in her approach to teaching however that more of a requirement at the Reign Institute and She passes with More than Flying Colors.
  • Charli Synno
    A fierce and capable fighter coming in at the #4 in the top 10. Honed skills and confidence radiate off her.
  • Connel Rendar
    One of the Hearld's he is always seen as the suave smooth talker who keeps a cool head in tense situations and is incredibly perceptive and has an innate talent to read people. Connel specializes in Stealth Missions however with the training under his H.A. he is a solid fighter however nothing too special. Connel shines in his capacity to remain calm and keep his teammates focused on the task at hand.
  • Conner Rail
    A clumsy heavy hitter ranked in the Top 10 of the Reign Institute.
  • Dallen Reeves
    handsome dangerous reserved Dragon Paragon whos ability scares him almost as much as his victims. Repeat offender of going to far in fights. Was Nearly Excommunicated from Hero Society.
  • Damion Steel
    One of the Top 10 Students at the Reign Institute, The Champion of the Manticore Pantheon. An incredible fighter and a better friend.
  • The Brave Duke
    Sad-old man looking for an opportunity to escape the thing he doesn't want but pursues hero work to die a peaceful and honorable death. Like making jokes at the expense of others.
  • Eric Stormbreaker
    The Eldest Son of Harrison Stormbreaker. He inherited his Mother's aptitude towards combat, his father's Stubbornness, and both his parent's deadly precision. Eric has been following in his father's footsteps and has achieved a lot of success in his endeavors however as of late something has occurred that has caused quite a bit of Flac aimed towards Eric when he left the Successors and joined the Gentiles. This has caused a huge rift as he was their leader and his reasons for leaving were at the minimum downright suspicious at worst foul play.
  • Eris Smith
    The Little brother of Winter and Summer Smith. Unlike his siblings Eris is much more hot-tempered and often finds himself in a fight protecting his brother's name however now having been recently invited to Gentiles he's gaining a lot of respect. At the moment there seems to be tension between him and his siblings due to this recent change in his friend group.
  • Ethan Alexander
    One of the Paragons of the Bassalisk's a calm stubborn steel-willed filled with Spirit type very popular in the media expected to crack the Top 10 soon.
  • Ford Lorus
    The Dragon Patriarch and the second most respected person in the school, Humble and capable vying to call the top spot at the Institute as his own.
  • Gerald Axel
    The Patriarch of the Phoniex Pantheon a loyal cherry brave student whos got pride in his position and respect for those above him
  • Gwen Right
    The Matriarch of the Phoniex Pantheon and a Kind person of great integrity and courage.
  • Horrace Clarkson
    A Lone wolf forced into a pack with a Unique Personality even for the Reign Institute. Horrace keeps to himself and those he allies himself with seem to always be getting into some kind of scandal one way or the other. Horrace has cemented himself as a powerful opponent none the less having an incredible ability to control and create diseases of all forms he is seen as an apex predator on the Reign Institute Campus and even more as a competent Combatant.
  • Hulio Rodrigez
    A Fast learning cunning student who worked his way up to the Top 10 at the Reign Institute.
  • Jason Killmore
    Jason is one of the most feared Students at the Reign Institute as his power is not understood in the slightest. Although he has lost to people like Angel and Milo he has an insane Win rate. Jason often is seen to be Predatory and incredibly aggressive with people. He's often seen with Cuts and bruises but always a sly smile that makes even the most put-together person shiver. A rumor has gone on for some time about him being the brother of the Raven Queen or Scarlet. However, it has been observed that Scarlet's Power has no effect On Jason in fact the reverse effect has been observed.
  • Professor John Kline
    A ragged Middle-aged man who belives in insane conspiracy theories who somehow is employed by the most prestigious school in the solar system whos alcoholism only rivals his caffeine intake and lack of sleep.
  • Juliet Morgan
    One of the Champion's fierce personality with a trickster side to her. Mischievous
  • Kraynos Mask
    With a scarred face and a troubled past Kraynos is one of the more peculiar H.A.'s leading his own class K.M. also known as the Gentiles. He and his Class are often getting into scandals that make ripples through the community as any good basilisk does. Kraynos keeps his personal details to himself and often seeks out the secrets of others.
  • Leia Allcock
    Cheerful Princess one of the Paragon's of the Pandora's An outgoing Student with a last name that got made fun of a lot they're not laughing anymore
  • Lisbeth Tarren
    One of the Dragon Paragons very powerful, driven to her goals however shes Insensitive and raw and OVERLY confident
  • Manson Sheilds
    One of the Members of the Heralds. Manson is the glue that binds the Heralds together a little cinnamon bun. Manson consistently has a smile on his face and a lust for learning. Manson is often teased for his Naive nature and general innocence. Manson is apart of Class G-1 headed up their H.A. Gerald Axel. Manson's abilities specialize in containment and defense using his skills and aptitude he's not to be underestimated despite his naive personality.
  • Marco Steelheart
    From an Outside perspective, you can see Marco's past is one steeped in deep mystery maybe even to himself. He resigns himself to very few words. However, when it comes to the battlefield he's a poet. Marco is the leading strategist to linear battles being a heavy-handed opponent in Bone matches currently the Graveyard High Power Champion.
  • Mariot Williams
    An Angsty Teen with a unique look to him Mariot is always getting into the newest Paradox within the stars always talking about alien civilizations and spatial anomalies. When his ADD is put on the back burner Mariot is an opponent that is not to be trifled with. While his overwhelming power is certainly not to be looked over it's his intellect that cut his enemies down faster than anything else. However, his Fatal flaw when it comes to his attention span if he loses focus he's increasingly likely to make a critical mistake.
  • Mathew Dragon boy
    The first son of Artemia's Dragon blooded warriors to attend the Institute
  • Professor Mellany Marion
    An Immortal in the body of a 20 something young woman with equal amounts of character flaws to her Intelligence and teaching prowess. Often seen as the trouble maker of the school staff however still an impeccable teacher.
  • Midas
    A flashy girl one of the Paragons of the Manticores and the reason the Manticores are so wealthy her power is one that the greedy envy and she is flocked with fake friends and has gained a reputation of being a snake in the garden.
  • Millicent the Merciless
    Fierce calm lover with an empathetic side that makes no sense for the daughter of such a powerful person Matriarch of the Pandoras
  • Milo Matherrs
    A handsome youth coming in as the #2 hero at the Reign Institute, An excellent communicator with an Eye for the #1 spot. The Youngest of the Top 10 with a knack for pulling wins out of the jaws of defeat. The Smoothest talker this side of the Solar System.
  • Mitch Thompson
    One of the most Influential students at the Reign Institute. The Patriarch of the Manticore Pantheon and ranked in the Top 10 students at the Reign Institute.
  • Rachel Vinette
    coming in at the #3 spot in the Reign Top 10 is the Wrathful Rachel Vinette. Whose beauty is only matched by her raw Aggression and will.
  • Raven Queen
    One of the most feared Students at the Reign Institute whos identity is just as much a mystery as Xanders.
  • Scarlet Ray
    A playful Paragon of the Bassalisk's drawing in dozens of guys that do whatever she wants a queen with a throne made of her subjects.
  • Scarlett Fields
    An instructor at the Reign Institute who specializes in the fields of Chaos Energy. Professor Fields is the Solar System's leading expert in Chaos Energy. With such an eccentric field of study so too comes an eccentric personality. Professor Fields can be mildly erratic when it comes to her students not understanding her theories on the Chaos Fields. Hence she has some of the sparsest classes in the Reign Institute.
  • Scott Thomas
    Paragon of the Bassalisk's A very Cool Energetic passionate Fierce Unforgiving individual with a fondness for space and magic
  • Selvus Reigner
    A prestigious and respectful H.A. at the Reign Institute who has spent years to become a Master Blademaster. He is the H.A. of Class SR. His Origin Steeped in mystery his skill is unmatched one of the few people who was able to tie with Isaac Blackstone in a full-on duel. Selvus is seen as one of the best H.A. the Institute has to offer.
  • Sistine Sheel
    Naive Goober jokester whos also the one of the paragons of the Pandora's
  • Summer Smith
    The Sister and twin to WInter Smith the Paragon Twins of the Phoniex pantheon. Summer is a bubbly fun outgoing hero with high hopes and more love for people than should be legal.
  • Toby Leath
    Hes a pothead shark and also the Patriarch of the Pandoras we don't know anything else send help
  • The Great Mother Umbruisil
    The Great Mother of the Institute and countless children from heroes to dragons she has raised many with her wise and confident teachings.
  • Winter Smith
    Quiet and reserved cold, Hes the polar opposite to his sister who is the other paragon of the phoniex pantheon Likes taking photos freeze frames of beauty
  • The Reign Champion Xander -Unknown-
    The Mysterious #1 of the Reign Institute. With an 8 year undefeated winning streak and the longest Reigning Champion to ever hold the title of Number 1, he's a legend within the halls of the Institute. However, no one has seen him in class, off-campus, or training.
  • Zelan King
    A goofy laid back guy who is often found helping out teachers with New Students and is frequently seen teaching First Years. He spends his free time at his dorm listening to music and partying alone.
  • Zora Right
    A slender beauty who loves everyone she meets but won't let them get in the way of her goal to be the Number 1 hero.

Sessions Archive

17th Dec 2020

Session 9: Son of God

Babysitting the most powerful being in the universe while an Interstellar war takes place that will decide the future of reality.

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18th Oct 2020

Session 8: The Ceremony of the 5th Son

Having uncovered a plot to kill Xander our Heroes rush to stop the Ritual that Conner has put into motion. Conner has been apprehended was this what he wanted?

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18th Oct 2020

Session 7: The Pantheon of the Mandrake

Zelan has tasked the group to find a botany student missing goats. They find them and what they find shocks them.

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10th Oct 2020

Session 6: The Power of the Pantheon

Now having received their Pantheon their representatives are coming to bring them into the Fold now that the Anomivores are here. With the Invasion imminent All of the Upperclassmen have been Assembled to Lead the School to help Defend the World from the horror of the Anomivores. Class Z-1 has been summoned to meet the top 25. And Jake gets to play 25+ FLIPPING CHARACTERS :) love you

9th Oct 2020

Session 5: Power of the Pantheons

With the recent events, Zelan has decided he can no longer raise Class Z-1 alone. He has no choice but to admit them to the process of the Pantheons. Each of Class Z-1 will need to make their choices that will define their future. What they hold themselves too and the test of the Pantheon will not be easy but only through trial can a hero be born.

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3rd Oct 2020

Session 4: Sanguenius and the Swarm of the Scar

The Hell Scar pulses to the West of the Institute indicating an invasion is coming soon...How will the Reign Institute defend itself? Or will it?

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2nd Oct 2020

Session 3: The Hyperion Bowl

After the Reign Falls incident, Zelan has decided to kick up the training in Grandeous fashion for the Newly Titled Phoniex Pariahs to one of the most intense training sessions at the Institute, Hyperion Bowl. Where Zelan and Zora will test the limits of our heroes and find out whether they have what it takes to call themselves heroes.

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25th Sep 2020

Session 2: Beach Day

Beach Day baby

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19th Sep 2020

Session 1: Welcome to the Institute

Our Heroes start their journey inside the halls of the Reign Institute being put to their first test meeting their HA and their Teacher.

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This story is told by

The Protagonists


Cayde Ernest

Colson Beckett

Amanda Eleanor Chante


Kiel (Key-el) Kronin

John Monroe