Session 3: The Hyperion Bowl Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 3: The Hyperion Bowl Report

General Summary

After waking up inside the Infirmary and assessing their injuries the rest of class Z-1 arrived to greet and chat with their classmates. Hijinks ensue with drugs being given to each of the injured students Zora goading Cayde to inject a full dose and a half of Ketamine into Zelan's coffee to sedate him enough to prevent him from hurting himself. It was found Zelan has an Immunity to Ketamine. Zelan told the group that he had plans for them to perform in the Hyperion Bowl to begin their training in full. After this Milo and Cryptic arrived Cryptic scolded them for being reckless but not to harshly while Milo had a different objective all together and immediately grabbed Raiden by the injured shoulder and squeezed before shouting at them all WHAT WERE THEY THINKING.    After Milo's little episode of protective disappointed Dad wrapped up Zora arrived Milo explained that Z-1 had been given a new name as of late that spread like wildfire through the gossip lanes of the Institute they now are referred to as the Phoniex Pariahs. Milo asked Zora to lock the door at which point she did as requested and Milo launched into a line of questioning asking about Xander and why he showed up. Milo took a photo of Kiel's Note for unknown reasons before leaving Zora and the group was about to walk away when Milo's Omni went off and gave him a formal warning that the Hell Scar has pulsed again and that 20 million demons were on their way to the Institute and that a meeting was to be held with the Top 10 and the Pantheon Leads to make a plan of attack with 36 hours and counting they would need a strong plan to defeat the Swarm of Sanguineius.    Hearing the news of a meeting that Xander was expected to arrive at the meeting Raiden and Kiel were immediately obsessed with getting to that meeting by any means necessary. Asking Zora what was up she explained coyly that she would give them the location of the meeting. Her terms were they make her and Zelan official tonight. In such Z-1 kicked into love guru mode tasking Umbrisil to make her legendary mashed potatoes, Zora to cook some bomb level steaks with the help of John, and finally a picture-perfect blooming onion. John began trying to set up the mood on the balcony being drawn towards a closet in the back of Z-house he found a case full of Candles. Upon further inspection, John found they were mystic candles and that they were a powerful aphrodisiac aroma too them.  However, John's understanding to make them work was that all 135 candles needed to be used for them to have an effect. This was incorrect. Very incorrect.   Raiden got Zelan all set up for his date and sent him up while Cayde and John helped Zora pick out an outfit suiting her personality and look. Zelan wearing a silver suit identical to the shade of silver as his hair while Zora wore a low cut black dress with small obsidian gemstones peppered throughout. Zora at the completion of her request gave Raiden the location of the meeting and John lit the last candle as the date started. The meal started well they both finished their food but as Zelan leaned over to wipe off a crumb from Zora's lips the effects of the overwhelming aroma crashed down like the wave of a tsunami and the two entered a heated session of tonsil hockey. John watching all of this booked it out of there as soon Zora took Zelan's shirt off knowing that they had more than exceeded Zora's request maybe too well.    Z-1 made their way out of Z-House hoping to all that is holy that they don't have a new housemate in 9 months. Alec reawoke from his coma and joined the group as they were sneaking into the night. With his help, they created an Omnidirectional satellite that listened in to the conversation going on inside Champion Tower. Raiden made his way inside to scout it out when he noticed a note addressed to the Top 10 Raiden couldn't resist but open it and found a letter from Xander. This letter was detailing his picks for his roster tomorrow. He had selected Raiden, Colson Beckett, Nori, John Monroe, Kiel Kronin, Alec Blackstone, and Cayde the Baron. They would all be joining Xander exclusively on the battlefield tomorrow upon the eve of the Invasion of Sanguenius's forces. Xander showed up to the meeting and had a small chit chat with no one, in particular, he showed only to either unnerve the top 10 or death stare Raiden. Regardless of his reasons he had captivated the attention of everyone. Raiden followed and asked the question why are you interested in us? To which Xander simply responded "Your different."

Missions/Quests Completed

Zora and Zelan are now more than official and Zora got what she wanted from Zelan however she actually found out that she loves him.   Xander has plans for the group to what end is unknown.

Character(s) interacted with

Milo- was disappointed and concerned with what happened to them and was genuinely upset about what happened to them and dislikes Zelan for what happened   Zora- is Indebted to the level of progress she got her and Zelan's relationship too   Zelan- Is proud of them but in a reclusive way, the candles broke a block in his mind and he went head over heels for Zora however he is slightly conflicted if he should fully commit but now after their first date he feels obligated to stick with her   Xander-He talked 4 times a new record

Created Content

Madeline who then was promptly bedded by Kiel 1 day after meeting him.    The Champion Tower- A building for meetings and social events for the higher echelon of the school.

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