Session 4: Sanguenius and the Swarm of the Scar Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 4: Sanguenius and the Swarm of the Scar Report

General Summary

Zelan and Zora had finished up what they were doing when we last saw them. Our heroes came back home and went to bed expecting a long day tomorrow. Kiel found Zelan meeting with an unknown person on the top floor at 1 in the morning. Zelan then put Kiel asleep. After which they went to the Hyperion Bowl and began training. They were given one rule. No lethal force. This rule was not adhered too. Kiel in the heat of battle threw a knife into the throat of Zora killing her only for a minute. Zelan went berserk and knocked Raiden unconscious and saved Zora's life and canceled the match Kiel was to be disciplined but not expelled Zelan still showing him mercy and love. Kiel came face to face with the Raven Queen, Xander, and Milo. The Raven Queen gave him horrible nightmares that gave him permeant mental trauma of never willing to take a human life again. Along with the party who now have a greater understanding of the value of life. Living up to their name of the Pariahs for sure. Xander greeted the group and asked them for their help in the upcoming invasion. They drove the state of the art Paragon supercar to help Xander get in close. 130,000 heroes came from inside the school 10% and wiped away the 20 million demons with minimal injuries. The realization is that the Reign Institute is the safest place in the universe from all threats.

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