Session 2: Beach Day Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 2: Beach Day Report

General Summary

Coulson, Cayde, John all went to get doughnuts while the rest of the party ate Milo stopped by with Angel and later Ford to invite the group to come with them to the beach for the weekend. A Race between the 3 began and quickly became heated with land speed records being tossed out with the help of the group's power. Volleyball was played and Milo and Angel's relationship was uncovered and revealed that Milo cares deeply about Angel but Angel's problems of sexual desire and her Addiction to drugs and alcohol are tainting the relationship but Milo won't give up on her because he knows no one can be trusted to take care of her. They found out Zora has some sort of Shadow power or demonic abilities.    Umbricil showed up after Nori's team won the volleyball game and Zelan and Zora swam out to the mountain in the center of Reign Lake with 9 Waterfalls along with it. They discovered Zelan's mom passed away from cancer and that he and Milo have similar stories to one another two sides of the same coin. Umbricil introduced herself to the group and expressed her concern for how much Cryptic was feeding them and whether they were getting enough sleep a very grandma like personality. Not long after the legend of Reign falls was explained to them that a 1000ft cliff dive off a waterfall no powers were held up to only be achievable by the greats. Without fail the group jumped after Zelan and all that jumped which were, Zelan, Raiden, Nori, Kiel, and Alec. All of them died on impact and were resuscitated by Zora.   They were all rushed to urgent Medical care thanks to Zora and Umbricil however they couldn't find Zelan and he was presumed dead by Zora. Sunday night Xander visited them and healed the majority of their wounds, and told them to rest easy that all was well and that He had found Zelan and that he was okay. When they woke up they found that they had been given personalized messages from Xander and the seal of the Phoniex.

Missions/Quests Completed

Zora is now 100% that Zelan and Xander are 1 in the same.    The Mystery of Milo is more complicated than once thought   They are now famous for jumping off a cliff and dying with reckless abandon

Character(s) interacted with

Milo now likes the group he doesn't necessarily trust them but he likes them and they have increased their relationship with him

Created Content

The Reign Falls-9 Waterfalls and the Phoniex Jump

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