Session 5: Power of the Pantheons Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 5: Power of the Pantheons Report

General Summary

Raiden, Kiel, and Nori snuck into Zelan's secret room and opened the Box of the Pantheon. Raiden was branded with the mark of the Phoniex, Kiel a Dragon, Nori a Pandora. These 3 found out the Identity of Xander. They were sworn to secrecy. The Anomivore event kicked off with the Raven Queen attacking the group wounding Xander, ANd then Alec's map leads Raiden down to the Circle's center.  Where the Spell Alec is working on to send the Reign Institute to another Dimension outside of the Universe to protect them from all forms of damage and the eyes of the Puppet Master. The Cave is known as the Unity Point. Alec and Raiden were both then attacked by a powerful being a lesser construct of Atherium to try to turn Alec he was foiled as Holland, The Game Master, Zelan, The Mask, and Jerimiah all united to purify the boy. John's ability to see the dead manifested. Holland dropped off Pluto for Zelan and Zora to watch over.

Rewards Granted

Sphinx Eye (Coulson) Intelligence +5 and Psychic Channel Pharohs helmet (Raiden) Organized Assault Leadership ability, +3 to charisma score while wearing +5 DR Pharohs Pistols (Cayde) Pistols that deal 12d12 6 times per day the shot cannot miss Bracers of the Fallen (John) Mystic increase and spells of Necromancy Belt of the Restless (Nori) Never suffer exhaustion, gains 2 points of focus The Field Hand (Kiel) Slashing move can slash a 30ft cone dealing 8d12 once per day otherwise does 3d8 slashing

Missions/Quests Completed

The Anomivore event has begun and soon Each of them will be dragged into their respective Pantheon's. The Box still seeks Cayde and Colson.  The Raven Queen now is 100% confident she has discovered the Identity of Xander.  The Anomivores are now passing through the area.

Created Content

The Unity Point the point where the Celestial Alignment will open for Alec to turn into the Prophet and where the spell must be completed if Alec is to save the Reign Institute.

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