Session 8: The Ceremony of the 5th Son Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 8: The Ceremony of the 5th Son Report

General Summary

Class Z-1 interrogated Conner in hopes of uncovering more of what his Cult was up to. In doing so they found that another ritual was going on near the Dragon dorms. The heroes and Zelan rush over to stop the cult. With quick and decisive action they stop the ritual and capture the cultists. However, it was discovered that Conner lied and a second ritual was occurring under Champion Tower. As terrorists teleport into the Reign Institute and Milo is captured and used for the Ritual as a body for the Mandrake. The Mandrake, The Amalgamate, and The Syndicate Death Mercs attack the School putting the school into lockdown. As the ground beneath Champion Tower splits open as Milo slowly rises out of the ground wearing the original mask of the Mandrake. Now Milo's Body consumed by the Mandrake rises and the battle begins as the Mandrake attempts to escape Xander takes to the sky to do battle with Milo while Class Z-1 attempts to find a way to stop the villains. On their way to Champion Tower, they are shot by Nightrider. Alec confronts Nightrider to buy Class Z-1 time. Milo now battling Xander activates his innate ability and controls the minds of dozens of students.  As Class Z-1 gets to the base of the Tower they slip into the tunnels below the tower. Running as fast as they can as more mercenaries are on their way. Xander and Milo begin to battle in force Xander holding back to save Milo's life. Class Z-1 gets to the Ritual and finds Conner waiting for them and they do battle against him trying to defeat him before he can do more damage. As Conner raises up through the crack in the ground the Amalgamate joins the fight and pincers the Students and all hope seem lost as students begin to crowd the kids while Conner fights them back before the Raven Queen joins the fray and holds her own. Milo is eventually defeated by Class Z-1 and Xander by Milo's own consciousness holding back the full power of his abilities while he is attacked. The Mandrake is the only villain who escapes from the fray.

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