Nicole, Caitlin Session 0 Report

General Summary

Z:Its mid afternoon, just got done cutting firewood for the night. There is more to do, but all you can think of is the sweet smell and taste of Tristan. Your mind beings to wonder, but not for long when you see him beconing you into the forest. You look around to make sure no one is watching, and sneak off with him. "Here, where this." Hands you a blindfold. "Before the fun, the training. Follow me into the forest. Tap into your other senses." DC 12 Survival   B:You look and notice your sister gone. AGAIN. She is always leaving you to pick up the slack. But you are a great big sister, so when Zylah makes a mess, you clean it up.   Z:After what seems like forever, just waiting for the moment this "training" gets done...he says
"ok we are here, time to...." You hear screaming coming back from the village.   B:So you carry on, picking up the slack on the chores when you smell fire. but its too early in the day for someone to have a fire going. You turn around to see the town up in flame. Screams start ringing in your ears.   Z:You take off your blind fold to see an arrow sticking out of Tristan's neck, you look up to see 4 lizard like creatures charging in your direction. You look down at the bow and swords at your feet.   B: Suddenly you feel someone grab your shoulders and spin you around. "Focus. Come." She leads you into your home. She wipes open a trunk in her closet. She takes out the bow and short swords and hands them to Jack. Go, Zylah ran off into the woods with that boy. Go find her." Without a second guess, he nods, kisses Miriam, long and hard, and sprints off into the forest. "Now, for you, choose." Greatsword or Greataxe "Follow my lead. Unlike your sister who carries her emotions on her sleeves, you are very well incontrol of your rage. But in dire needs, you need to release it. Lets go defend our home."   Z: 4 draconians   B: 4 draconians

Krynn Campaign
Player Journals
Pane by Zylah
Tristan by Zylah
Report Date
22 Dec 2023

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