Livre 1, Session 6: Slavery in the Rokk Woods Report

General Summary

The Witch of Rokk Woods

The Dead Company has freed the witch Tina Darkknees while she was attacked by a mob of angry peasants. She's happy to tell her sister Vicky Scalecackle about those stupid humans.

A bear and her cub

Walking in the Rokk Woods, the company encountered a mother bear and her cub, Ash the druid asked her if anything was amiss, she informed him that the fairies has moved somewhere and there were armored men to the east who cause her to move west.

Halfling slaves in Skarrna

The company happened upon an escaped halfling slave, she was chased by a Kalamaran cavalier, Darja stepped between the two arrivants to protect the halfling. A fight ensued where the cavalier defended against the onslaught of hits. He summoned his soldiers as he blew in his horn. The soldiers were dealt with by Gramar's fireball and the last surviving cavalier was slept by Darja. He was then questioned by Anarvis while Ash investigated the source of the slavers. As the druid saw a soldier lynching gnomes and halfling slaves on a large tree, he jump on him in his wolf form.

Whispers of adventures
Report Date
27 Feb 2023
Primary Location
Rokk Woods
Secondary Location
Wild Lands

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