Session 072 - Dark Anniversary Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 072 - Dark Anniversary

General Summary

26th of Navek to 2nd of Morgat (Winter) 721TR

The story so far

A year ago, the Heroes saved the City of Coranan from destruction by the Greater Gytevsha, Krasula, as well as freeing the Demigod Desridaen from the clutches of the evil God of Nightmares and Assassins, Naveh. This God and his worshippers want revenge. Meanwhile, Quazzy has recovered an ancient Silver Flute belong to Desridaen and wishes to return it to him.

The Heroes are now planning to return home, taking a shortcut through the magical portal in the mysterious Earthmaster Site of Telumar.

The continuation of Session 71 - The Lost King's Tower.

Location - The Wilderness East of the Kingdom of Chybisa.

Part 1 - Land Sharks.

The heroes spot a ruined manor house and decide to investigate. They note strange tremors in the earth, and something underground is approaching fast. Bursting out of the ground appear three massive beasts, the infamous armored Land Sharks. The party quickly dispatch these brutes and harvest some of their metal plates.

The ruined manor house has a well-hidden treasury containing some gems, ancient coins, and an antique Elven Dagger made of a strange metal (Adamantium).

Part 2 - Rewards.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
08 Mar 2020

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