Session 094 - A Journey Back from Darkness Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 094 - A Journey Back from Darkness

General Summary

1st to 3rd of Larane (Second Month of Summer) 722TR

The story so far

Acheron and friends have foiled the plans of the evil Druid Viozhul, who was killing and corrupting a nearby community of Centaurs. However, in the process, Sabretooth may have been influenced by this corruption. He is rapidly turning Evil.

The continuation of Session 92 - Four Footed Zombies.

Location - East of the Sorkin Mountains and the Dwarven Kingdom of Azadmere.

Part 1 - A Thank You

The Heroes rest up for the night. Sabretooth's sleep is disturbed by nightmares as he feels his grip on reality starts to slip.

They arrive at the entrance to the Deep Ways and find a leather bag dangling from the doorway, with the scent of a centaur on in. Inside are magical Kluzan Whetstones. Sigam recognizes them immediately and informs the party of their ability to temporarily magically enhance metal weapons. This is likely a gift or reward from the Centaurs for dealing with the evil Druid and Undead.

Sigam leads the Party to the sealed Dwarven Door and begins taping. Soon she receives a reply. Worried, she tells the Heroes that their Dwarven Guides are dealing with some crisis and will not be able to escort the Party back to Azardmere for a least a few days. The Party is unwilling to wait, so Sigam opens the Dwarven Door, with what Avon recognizes as some form of Magnetic Key, and the Party makes its own way through the underground passages.

Part 2 - The Twisting Passages

The first day of underground travel is without incident, and Sabertooths nightmares continue to worsen. As the party pass over an underground stream, the water comes alive and elementals attack. Eight Water Mephits and two Water Weirds cause much difficulty and frustration, and Sigam is nearly drowned.

Hidden nearby, the hero's find a well-concealed suit of Magical Leather Armor.

When traveling along a narrowing section of the passages town, huge insectoid monsters burst from the rock beneath the Heroes feet. These monsters create Confusion among any who glance into their half a dozen alien eyes. These Umber Hulks almost kill Sabretooth's Ivashu companion Chameleo. They fight hard, but the Heroes are made of sterner stuff and prove resistant to their mesmerizing enchantments. The giant bugs are butchered.

Further down the passages, they spot a dark patch on the ceiling. A sleek Manta-ray like monster, with multiple illusionary duplicates for itself, strikes. The heroes resist the Cloaker's mind chilling moan and a poisonous barbed tail, killing it swiftly. Among the nearby are the desiccated remains of a dead dwarf prospector. They find some gems and potions.

Location - City of Azadmere in the Dwarven Kingdom of Azadmere.

Part 3 - Aftermath and downtime

A day later, the Heroes emerge from the dark ways into the Dwarven City of Azadmere. The Priest of Larani Randel Dyvons and the Druid of Siem Druid Morlais at the Graymere Hall of the Inner Eye thank the heroes for effort in dealing with the evil Druid Viozhul and his undead minions. Sabretooth receives some counseling from the Druid Morlais and a purification ceremony. His nightmares and his desire to do evil subsides.

Over the next few months, the Heroes makes good use of their time in this exotic city.


Works on creating business contacts, especially with the Brewers and Fungi Merchants he has met on this journey. Hopefully the funds generated from such ventures will assist him on his plans to become a Senator.


Spends much of his time with his Dwarven Guide Sigam and learning to speak her language. He will also get a magical set of fighting claws constructed.


Kirinza Hazadul, art by Artbreeder
He also learns some Dwarven and creates a new fake identity (he has the Charlatan background). The Weaponcrafter Kirinza Hazadul completes the Forging of his Silver Sword Nemesis and entrust Acheron with four more silver weapons Silver Echo, Sculptor, Reckoning, and Nightfall to be delivered back to his Orders headquarters. As a reward for destroying the Undead Centaurs, he is given him 4 Silver Holy Bombs. These can be empowered with Smites.

The Heroes then plan to join one of the Autumn Trade Caravans planning to return home.

To be continued.....

NPC Interactions

Sigam Asandril - Herald.

Randel Dyvons - Priest of Larani.

Druid Morlais - Druid of Siem.

Kirinza Hazadul - Dwarven Weaponcrafter.

Challenges Overcome

8 Water Mephits and 2 Water Weirds.

2 Umber Hulks.

4 Cloaker.


2 Potions of Climbing

+2 Glamoured Leather Armour.

3 Kluzan Whetstones - Fire, Lighting and Cold.

Nemesis - Acheron's Silver Sword.

4 Silver Holy Bombs.

Created Content

Silver Swords.

Kluzan Whetstones.

Related Reports

Graymere Hall of the Inner Eye.

Argentate Griffin - Updated.

Players Character Status

Acheron - Level 5 Paladin and Level 3 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz.

Sabretooth - Level 5 Ivashu Lord Barbarian and Level 3 Monk.

Avon - Level 8 Thief - gained Level.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
02 Aug 2020
Secondary Location
City of Azadmere


Sabretooth's Ivashu Companion.

Chameleo, art by Attacus

Sigam Asandril.

The Party's Guide and babysitter.

Sigam Asadril, Herald, art by Artbreeder

Silver Holy Bombs

These small globes are packed with silver dust. A Paladin of a good God can empower these with a Holy Smite. They can be thrown with a range of 60 ft and explode in a 15 ft radius doing Radient damage to any Undead or Fiend equal to a smite damage. The creature may make a Dexterity saving throw equal to the Paladin's Spell DC for half damage.

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