Silver Swords in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Silver Swords

The Argent Order wields Silver Swords in their constant war against, forces of evil. These swords are especially effective against their primary foes, Undead and Fiends.


Clan Hazadul, art by Attacus
The Order has an alliance with Clan Hazadul, a Dwarven Weapon crafting family in the Kingdom of Azadmere. Kirinza Hazadul, of the Argentate Griffin, has forged weapons for the Order since the Hârnic chapter was founded in 623TR.

Kirinza uses using secret techniques that merge layers of Silver and Steel into a tough and sharp blade. One side of the Sword has his Clan stamp, and the other has the sword's name inscribed in Tezri.


Not long after forging, the Swords are transported, via the Casket of Transference, to an identical Casket located in the Chapterhouse of the Order in Areshomes in the Kingdom of Trierzon, where they are consecrated by the Pontiff of the Church of Larani.

After consecration, the wielder is divinely inspired. He can use this weapon when performing holy Vigils any religion skill checks to gain a blessing are made at advantage.

List of known Silver Swords

Azure Flame

The first Silver Sword crafted for the Argent Order. This weapon, reputed to burn with a Silver Flame, was wielded by St Andrada, the founder of the Hârnic Chapter of the Order, and still adorns the shrine in the Abbey of St Andrada.


Wielded by Acheron. This sword was quenched in Displacer Beasts' blood, and the wielder appears where he is not.

This Silvered Bastard Sword has the following Properties.

Magical +2.

After attunement grants +2 to Initiative Rolls.

Once per short rest the wielder as a bonus action appears Displaced as per the Cloak of Displacement. This effect lasts for 1 minute.


Wielded by the fallen warrior Tien who died battling the Assassin-Priests of Naveh.

This Silvered Bastard Sword and the following Properties.

Magical +2.

After attunement grants +2 to Initiative Rolls and +1 to Dexterity Saving Throws.

If used to down an opponent in combat as a Reaction the wielder can take a Bonus 10ft Movement.

Other Named Silver Swords

Siver Echo, Sculptor, Reckoning, and Nightfall.

Cover image: The Argent Order by Attacus


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