Session 056 - Secrets, On and Underwater Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 056 - Secrets, On and Underwater

General Summary

3 to 6 of Kelen (3) (Spring) 721TR


The story so far

Acheron is a member of the secretive Argent Order investigating a missing member of his organization and recover his Silver Sword.

The trail leads back to his home City of Golotha and the mysterious Assassin the Smiler. The Smiler is dead, killed by the heroes, and Acheron has little in the ways of clues. He decides to investigate further among the Smiler's acquaintances.

Meanwhile, Sabretooth intends to visit the Cities temple dedicated to his creator, the god Ilvir.

Part 1 - Church of the Glory of Ilvir

Order of Pia-Gardith.png
Sabretooth visits the Church of the Glory of Ilvir the cities beleaguered temple of God Ilvir. This temple of the Order of Pia-Gardith is dedicated to the study of Ilvir's Ivashu creations and exposing them to the world. Sabretooth quickly becomes the center of attention as half dozen yellow robes Priests enthusiastically want to study him.

He also learns that this Church supplies Hygith to the Blood Pit at the Trident Inn and that it is believed that the piranha-like Ivashu are happy with their lot. However, a priest was accidentally devoured by them not too long ago.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
10 Nov 2019
Primary Location
City of Golotha

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