The Trident Inn Building / Landmark in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

The Trident Inn


Location: Sewer Town District.

Quality: Low

Prices: Low

Owner: Master Innkeeper and owner Kardis Ernaldin.

Stables: Freemaster Ostler Herpeld with two stable hands.

Staff: 13

A rowdy Inn, most of the clientele of the Trident are Merchants, Caravan Guards and Travellers associated with the Pamesani Arena. It is also the tavern of choice of the local Order of the Cohorts of Gashang.

The Blood Pit


The Trident is infamous for the blood pit, a natural sinkhole, about 7ft deep. It is filled with remarkably clear water, and its floor is covered with animal as well as a few human bones. Swimming in the pond are dozens of small bizarre-looking armored fish. These are Hygith, the smallest known Ivashu, feared by fishermen for their instinct to rapidly strip the flesh from an unfortunately which they encounter. As entertainment, the Innkeeper throws animal carcasses into the blood pit. On special days a volunteer plays the Crown Game jumping in the blood pit to win a gold crown. Few survive.

Rumor has it that the Thieves Guild, who "protect" this establishment, uses it to dispose of incriminating bodies.

Parent Location

The Crown Game

A savage spectacle, the innkeeper throws in a Gold Crown (worth 320sp) into the Blood Pit and a brave soul dives in to retrieve it. Many a poor or down on their luck person has sought to claim the Gold Crown and suffered a quick, painful and bloody death.

After feeding a Hygith swims up to the innkeeper with the Gold Crown in its mouth.


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