Session IV: Castle Monroe Report

General Summary

  Today, i died.   There i was, at the door to the courtyard. Celeste yelling at me to open the door, the vampire seething in pain. Then he hit Celeste, they turned to.....mist? And returned to where me and Bella found them lifeless only an hour ago. They seemed paralysed then, a product of vampirism. Then the vampire lord approached them, and drew a weapon which was a....wooden pole? No, a stake, bane of vampires.     I stood there, unable to fully process what happened. Maybe a lapse in my programming, but i listened as he detailed how to kill a vampire to Bella. The words of Cyberlife echoing in my mind, "Protect the chaotic souls Michael, wont you?" As that vampire, who made you, raised that stake to kill you, i ran as fast as i could Celeste. I tackled him, started fighting him, did everything i could. For you   Bella grabbed his stake and pierced his heart, which also turned him to mist. But i knew he wasn't dead, i know everything about vampires, but i couldn't tell you both. Cyberlife they....told me three things, one, you already know about, two, "Don't just let them use your vast knowledge", and three, "Good soldiers follow orders". So you have to understand! I wanted to, desperately!     But it doesn't matter now, does it? I ran after Celeste's creator, down those winding hallways of the crypt. Made it back to the throne room before he phased through that vault door, the locks seemingly mocking me. But i didnt care, i ripped them off the door even thought it destroyed my hands. Entered that room even though i knew I'd die, there were so many. I almost thought i felt scared, even if i don't understand why. But i used that stake Bella dropped, and killed them all as they ripped me apart, i tore through them just to destroy your creator so you didnt become a slave like i was. Its strange, how much im feeling in my last moments. I was hopeful you'd both return, but now its been hours and I'm still believing. Even as my systems shut do-wn, i still....h-ope i was someone y-o-u bo....t-h cou-l....d be pr......-ou...d.....o-f

Legend of the Chaotic Souls

Ronan "The Hunter"

Neutral Human (Gladiator)
Weapon Master 7
69 / 69 HP
Player Journals
Castle Monroe Report: Part 1 by Celeste
Report Date
07 Nov 2021

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